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Northern Beaches Secondary College– Freshwater Campus录取条件(学校介绍)

2024-01-19 22:41:40 | 金泉留学网

小编今天整理了一些Northern Beaches Secondary College– Freshwater Campus录取条件(学校介绍)相关内容,希望能够帮到大家。

Northern Beaches Secondary College– Freshwater Campus录取条件(学校介绍)

一、Northern Beaches Secondary College– Freshwater Campus概况

Northern Beaches Secondary College– Freshwater Campus院校介绍

  'At all times all students are engaged in learning experiences that are relevant, challenging, achievable, stimulating and useful.’

Northern Beaches Secondary College– Freshwater Campus录取条件(学校介绍)

  The Freshwater Senior Campus provides an educational opportunity not previously available to students on the Northern Beaches of Sydney.

  Students can take advantage of state-of-the-art facilities, on-site course provision through the TAFE NSW - Northern Sydney Institute and the opportunity to access first year courses through our partnership with the University of Technology, Sydney. Students can participate in the unique experience of engaging in a senior learning environment.

  Facilities at the campus are spectacular. They include general learning spaces including seminar and break-out rooms adapted to meet the needs of senior students. Our technology provisions are world class and we have negotiated an agreement with TAFE NSW - Northern Sydney Institute for the provision and maintenance of our technology infrastructure. A 250 seat Performance Theatre, national standard gymnasium and music centre with adjoining practice rooms position us to provide a breadth of quality learning experiences for our students.

  Students enjoy an uncomplicated learning environment that instills in them a work ethic and a set of values that will give them the edge for their future studies and careers. The campus provides students with the widest possible curriculum choices including a comprehensive range of academically challenging HSC courses and an extensive range of TAFE courses.

  Our commitment at the Freshwater Senior Campus is to provide programs that train our students to be effective learners – learning to learn. Students will engage in experiences that will involve deep understanding, substantive conversation and higher order thinking.

  Our students will benefit from the opportunity to learn in a senior learning environment that enhances their development as responsible, autonomous and self-directed learners.

  We are totally committed to understanding the learning, social and cultural needs of all of our students and providing programs that optimise our capacity to meet these needs. Our campus staff will ensure that all of our students will be provided with opportunities to develop as mature learners while they are supported in dealing with the challenges unique to their progress towards their development as young adults.金泉留学网

  Our philosophy is based on the belief that all of our students will become increasingly skilled at identifying and setting goals based on achieving their personal best in all that they do. Our school culture takes advantage of the development of the students as young adults, particularly their capacity to take greater responsibility for responding appropriately in both their learning and social environments.

Northern Beaches Secondary College– Freshwater Campus录取条件(学校介绍)

二、Northern Beaches Secondary College– Freshwater Campus录取要求


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