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Northern Beaches Secondary College– Balgowlah Boys Campus录取条件(学校介绍)

2024-01-14 23:39:00 | 金泉留学网

Northern Beaches Secondary College– Balgowlah Boys Campus录取条件(学校介绍)相关内容,小编在这里做了整理,希望能对大家有所帮助,关于Northern Beaches Secondary College– Balgowlah Boys Campus录取条件(学校介绍)信息,一起来了解一下吧!

Northern Beaches Secondary College– Balgowlah Boys Campus录取条件(学校介绍)

一、Northern Beaches Secondary College– Balgowlah Boys Campus概况

Northern Beaches Secondary College– Balgowlah Boys Campus院校介绍

  Balgowlah Boys’ Campus provides:

Northern Beaches Secondary College– Balgowlah Boys Campus录取条件(学校介绍)

  Innovation and excellence in boys’ education

  Strong discipline in a caring and co-operative environment

  Quality teaching and enriching programs

  Outstanding sporting, music and cultural opportunities

  Balgowlah Boys’ has a long and proud tradition of educating northern beaches boys. The school opened in 1954 and has produced many high achievers in academic, sporting and cultural domains.


  Balgowlah Boys’ Campus has the following excellent facilities:

  Four fully networked Computer Labs

  Fully equipped Weights Room

  Specialist rooms for Science, Art (including a kiln room), Food Technology, Woodwork, Metalwork and Drawing

  Dedicated Gymnasium for PE classes

  Recording Studio and Sound Lab

  Extension Studies Centre

  Large well-equipped Library金泉留学网

  Senior Common room

  Video facilities in many teaching spaces

  Assembly Hall used for regular assemblies, examinations and school performances.

  Balgowlah Boys High School turned 50 in 2004. The school dates from 1st July 1954, when Manly High was transferred to Curl Curl. It is located on a prime site of more than five acres in the heart of Balgowlah.

  Starting with 250 students, the school has gone through many phases, where at one time there were in excess of 1200 students attending. In 1958 it became a full, five year High School and presented its first Leaving Certificate candidates, 76% of whom were successful in attaining their certificates.

  Throughout the school's history, many of the Balgowlah pupils have gone on to be high achievers in business, science and the sporting arena. Many of these students are remembered today through the honour role in the main office.

  The school has earned the respect of the community through the many changes it has encouraged and successfully implemented. This success is due to the continued hard work and dedication of many principals and members of staff. A number of innovative teaching methods has been introduced, as well as programs to assimilate the students into the environment of the workplace, all proving to be very successful.

  Today, the school enters yet another era, as one of the campuses of the Northern Beaches Secondary College. This brings a wave of new opportunities to the current and future students, where they have a very broad range of subjects to choose from, as well as access to state of the art technologies and facilities within the new college structure. This brings with it the opportunity to continue the success the school has had so far in its history.

  Balgowlah Boys’ Campus is moving forward. We are providing an education for the twenty-first century.

  A focused learning environment with caring, committed, teaching staff in a personalised, small school.

  Clear leadership from a strong executive team.

  Academic excellence across the curriculum, as reflected in recent HSC results.

  A Year 5/6 Extension Studies Learning Centre.

  An extension program in Years 7 and 8 called the BYTE class which focuses on a core of English, Maths and Science taught using a technology /business approach

  Individualised remedial programs.

  A developing capacity to challenge gifted and talented students.

  An extensive discipline welfare system allied with an enforced school uniform.

  Extra-curricular activities including bands, instrument tuition, chess, debating, public speaking, student representative council, prefect system and alternative dispute resolution.

  Excellent facilities featuring a gymnasium and weights room, school hall, large library with international computer linkage, a Technology and Applied Studies Learning Centre, home rooms for teaching staff, four IBM networked labs, kiln room and recording studio.

  Resource and curriculum links with Brookvale TAFE .

  A strong sporting tradition.

  A dedicated and active school community involved in various activities

Northern Beaches Secondary College– Balgowlah Boys Campus录取条件(学校介绍)

二、Northern Beaches Secondary College– Balgowlah Boys Campus录取要求


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