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Northern Beaches Secondary College– Cromer Campus录取条件(学校介绍)

2024-01-14 19:53:58 | 金泉留学网

今天金泉留学网小编整理了Northern Beaches Secondary College– Cromer Campus录取条件(学校介绍)相关信息,希望在这方面能够更好的大家。

Northern Beaches Secondary College– Cromer Campus录取条件(学校介绍)

一、Northern Beaches Secondary College– Cromer Campus概况

Northern Beaches Secondary College– Cromer Campus院校介绍

  At Cromer we have a clear focus on maximising the learning potential and development of every boy and girl and we pride ourselves on delivering a quality education in a safe and caring environment.

Northern Beaches Secondary College– Cromer Campus录取条件(学校介绍)

  Some of the benefits of sending your son or daughter to Cromer include:

  the provision of an expansive curriculum which meets the interests, needs and abilities of all students

  extension classes and gifted and talented programs catering for higher ability students

  strong literacy and numeracy programs which form the core of student learning

  specialist learning support provided for identified students

  quality teaching and learning programs which promote high achievement and engagement

  experienced, dedicated and caring staff who work as a strong united team for the benefit of all our students金泉留学网

  exceptional co-curricular programs including Rock Eisteddfod, School Spectacular, dance and drama ensembles, debating and performing arts opportunities

  school and college band including specialist tuition

  outstanding sporting opportunities at school, zone, regional and state levels

  best practice vocational education programs in Hospitality, Retail, Tourism, Construction and Information Technology

  well resourced learning spaces including networked computer labs, a dedicated learning centre and state of the art smartboard access

  great facilities including open playing fields, basketball, tennis and netball courts, cricket nets, dance, drama and art studios, kiln rooms, gymnasium and weight training room

  opportunities in Years 11 and 12 include a choice of over 80 courses at the four other campus schools.

  Cromer enjoys strong links with parents and our local community and your input and support as a partner in the school is encouraged and welcomed.


  Cromer Campus is committed to achieving excellence in comprehensive education within a caring environment. It aims to cater for the full range of student interests, abilities and aptitudes and to excel in all aspects of the broader school curriculum, measured against the achievements of specialist schools in the school education area, and other local comprehensive schools.


  Cromer Campus exists to produce good citizens for society. It caters for all students whatever their academic ability, social background or financial situation. It provides as many opportunities as possible for its students to realise their potential and ensures that students grasp the opportunities that it offers. Cromer Campus works towards making sure that the benefits of schooling are maximised for each student.

  The achievements of Cromer Campus are based on the skills and enthusiasm of the staff and parents, the encouragement and recognition given to their work and best practice, and the holding of shared values relating to what schooling is all about.

Northern Beaches Secondary College– Cromer Campus录取条件(学校介绍)

二、Northern Beaches Secondary College– Cromer Campus录取要求


以上就是金泉留学网小编给大家带来的Northern Beaches Secondary College– Cromer Campus录取条件(学校介绍)全部内容,希望对大家有所帮助!
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