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2024-03-06 16:53:04 | 金泉留学网




中英口译翻译(Chinese - English Interpreting and Translating (2 Years), MSc)---
中英翻译(Chinese-English Translating, MSc)---
人力资源MBA(MBA with Specialism in Human Resource Management)---
人力资源管理(International Business Management with Human Resource Management, MA)---
人工智能(Artificial Intelligence, MSc)---
会计与商业法(Accountancy and Business Law, MA (Hons))---
会计金融(Accountancy and Finance, MA (Hons))---
体育事业管理和领导(Management and Leadership in Sports Business, MSc)---
信息技术(商务)(Information Technology (Business), MSc)---
信息技术(软件系统)(Information Technology (Software Systems), MSc)---
信息系统(Information Systems, BSc)---
光子学和光电子设备(Photonics and Optoelectronic Devices, MSc)---
具有语音和多模式交互的人工智能(Artificial Intelligence with Speech and Multimodal Interaction, MSc)---
化学(Chemistry, BSc)---
化学与专业教育(Chemistry and Professional Education, BSc (Hons))---
化学与生物化学(Chemistry with Biochemistry, BSc (Hons))---
化学与纳米技术(Chemistry with Nanotechnology, MChem)---
化学与药物化学(Chemistry with Pharmaceutical Chemistry, MChem)---
化学与计算化学(Chemistry with Computational Chemistry, MChem)---
化学工程(Chemical Engineering, MEng)---
化学物理(Chemical Physics, MPhys)---
化学能源工程(Chemical Engineering with Energy Engineering, MEng)---
口译(Interpreting, MSc)---
口译翻译(Interpreting and Translating, MSc)---
可持续管理国际商务管理(International Business Management with Sustainability Management, MSc)---
商业心理学(Business Psychology, MSc)---
商业战略,领导力和变革(Business Strategy, Leadership and Change, MSc)---
商业管理和数量测量(Commercial Management and Quantity Surveying, MSc)---
商务信息管理(Business Information Management, MSc)---
商务经营(Bachelor of Business Administration, BBA)---
商务金融(Business and Finance, MA (Hons))---
国际人力资源管理商务管理(International Business Management with HRM, MSc)---
国际会计和建筑经济(International Accounting and Environmental Economics, MSc)---
国际会计和管理(International Accounting and Management, MSc)---
国际会计和金融(International Accounting and Finance, MSc)---
国际商务管理(International Business Management, MA)---
国际市场营销商务管理(International Business Management with Marketing, MSc)---
国际市场营销管理(International Marketing Management, MSc)---
国际市场营销管理,消费者心理(International Marketing Management with Consumer Psychology, MSc)---
国际旅游商务管理(International Business Management with Tourism, MSc)---
国际时尚市场营销(International Fashion Marketing, MSc)---
国际物流商务管理(International Business Management with Logistics, MSc)---
国际管理和商务通讯(International Management and Business Communication, MSc)---
国际绩效管理商务管理(International Business Management with Performance Management, MSc)---
国际金融和企业任责(International Finance and Corporate Accountability, MSc)---
国际金融和环境经济(International Finance and Environmental Economics, MSc)---
国际金融和经济发展(International Finance and Economic Development, MSc)---
国际金融商务管理(International Business Management with Finance, MSc)---
国际银行金融(International Banking and Finance, MSc)---
国际项目管理商务管理(International Business Management with Project Management, MSc)---
土木工程(Civil Engineering, BEng)---
土木工程和建筑管理(Civil Engineering and Construction Management, MSc)---
地理 社会和环境(Geography, Society and Environment, MA)---
城市规划与房地产开发(Urban Planning and Property Development, BSc (Hons))---
室内建筑设计(Interior Architecture and Design)---
室内设计(Interior Design, BA)---
嵌入式系统(Embedded Systems, MSc)---
工程(Engineering, BEng)---
工程物理(Engineering Physics, MPhys)---
工程项目管理(Construction Project Management, MSc)---
市场营销MBA(MBA with Specialism in Marketing)---
市场营销国际商务管理(International Business Management with Marketing, MA)---
应用数学科学(Applied Mathematical Sciences, MSc)---
应用数学科学与气候变化影响建模(Applied Mathematical Sciences with Climate Change Impacts Modelling, MSc)---
应用数学科学与生物和生态模型(Applied Mathematical Sciences with Biological and Ecological Modelling MSc)---
应用语言和翻译(德语/英语(Applied Languages and Translating (German/British Sign Language), MA)---
应用语言和翻译(德语/西班牙语(Applied Languages and Translating (German/ Spanish), MA)---
应用语言和翻译(法语/德语(Applied Languages and Translating (French/German))---
应用语言和翻译(法语/英语(Applied Languages and Translating (French/British Sign Language), MA (Hons))---
应用语言和翻译(法语/西班牙语(Applied Languages and Translating (French/Spanish), MA)---
应用语言和翻译(西班牙语/英语(Applied Languages and Translating (Spanish/British Sign Language), MA)---
建筑工程(Architectural Engineering, MEng)---
建筑工程国际研究(Architectural Engineering with International Studies, MEng)---
建筑工程管理(Construction Project Management, BSc (Hons))---
建筑服务工程(Building Services Engineering, MSc)---
建筑设计国际研究(Structural Engineering with International Studies, MEng)---
建筑设计结构工程(Structural Engineering with Architectural Design, MEng)---
德语与应用语言学(German and Applied Language Studies, MA (Hons))---
心理学(Psychology, BSc)---
心理学管理(Psychology with Management, BSc)---
战略规划MBA(MBA with Specialism in Strategic Planning)---
手机通讯(Mobile Communications, MSc)---
投资管理(Investment Management, MSc)---
数学(Mathematics, BSc)---
数学(Mathematics, MSc)---
数学与计算机科学(Mathematics and Computer Science, BSc)---
数学物理(Mathematical Physics, MPhys)---
数学物理(Mathematics with Physics, BSc)---
数学生物学,生态学和医学(Mathematical Biology, Ecology and Medicine, MSc)---
数学统计 精算(Mathematical, Statistical and Actuarial Sciences, BSc)---
数学统计学(Mathematics with Statistics, BSc)---
数据科学(Data Science, MSc)---
时尚(Fashion, BA)---
时尚传媒(Fashion Communication, BA)---
时尚女装(Fashion Womenswear, BA)---
时尚市场营销和零售(Fashion Marketing and Retailing, BA)---
时尚男装(Fashion Menswear, BA)---
时尚科技(Fashion Technology, BSc)---
时尚纺织品管理(Fashion and Textiles Management, MSc)---
时尚纺织品设计(Fashion and Textiles Design)---
机器人 自主和交互(Robotics, Autonomous and Interactive Systems, MEng)---
机械与能源工程(Mechanical Engineering and Energy Engineering, MEng)---
机械工程(Mechanical Engineering, MEng)---
材料化学(Chemistry With Materials, Bsc)---
欧洲战略项目管理硕士(MSPME)(European Master in Strategic Project Management (MSPME), MSc)---
气候变化:影响和缓解(Climate Change: Impacts and Mitigation, MSc)---
气候变化:管理海洋环境(Climate Change: Managing the Marine Environment, MSc)---
油气技术(Oil and Gas Technology, MSc)---
油气技术化学工程(Chemical Engineering with Oil and Gas Technology, MEng)---
法语与应用语言学(French and Applied Language Studies, MA )---
海洋可再生能源(Marine Renewable Energy, MSc)---
海洋生物多样性和生物技术(Marine Biodiversity and Biotechnology, MSc)---
海洋生物学(Marine Biology, BSc)---
海洋科学(Marine Science, MSc)---
海洋规划可持续发展(Marine Planning for Sustainable Development, MSc)---
海洋规划和可持续发展(Marine Planning for Sustainable Development, MSc)---
海洋资源发展和保护(Marine Resource Development and Protection, MSc)---
海洋资源管理(Marine Resource Management (MRM), MSc)---
物流和供应链管理(Logistics and Supply Chain Management, MSc)---
物理(Physics, BSc)---
物理与职业教育(Physics and Professional Education, BSc)---
物理与能源科学科技(Physics with Energy Science and Technology, MPhys)---
生物技术(Biotechnology, MSc)---
生物科学(Biological Sciences, BSc)---
生物科学(人体健康)(Biological Sciences (Human Health), BSc)---
生物科学(微生物)(Biological Sciences (Microbiology), BSc)---
生物科学(细胞和分子生物学)(Biological Sciences (Cell and Molecular Biology), BSc (Hons))---
生物科学(食品和饮料科学)(Biological Sciences (Food and Beverage Science), BSc)---
电力能源(Electrical Power and Energy, MEng)---
电子电气工程(Electrical and Electronic Engineering, BEng )---
石油地球科学(Applied Petroleum Geoscience, MSc)---
石油工程(Petroleum Engineering, MSc)---
管理业务性能(Managing Business Performance, MSc)---
精算(Actuarial Science, BSc)---
精算科学(Actuarial Science, MSc)---
精算科学与管理(Actuarial Science and Management, MSc)---
精算管理(Actuarial Management, MSc)---
纳米科学(Nanoscience, BSc )---
纺织品设计(时尚、室内、艺术)(Design for Textiles (Fashion, Interior, Art), BA )---
经济 银行和金融(Economics, Banking and Finance, MSc)---
经济与商务管理(Economics and Business Management, MA (Hons))---
经济与市场营销(Economics and Marketing, MA)---
经济与金融(Economics and Finance, MA )---
经济学(Economics, MA )---
经济学与会计(Economics and Accountancy, MA)---
经济学与商务法(Economics and Business Law, MA )---
结构工程(Structural Engineering, MEng)---
统计模型(Statistical Modelling, BSc)---
综合海事数据技能(Integrative Marine Data Skills, MSc)---
网络安全(Network Security , MSc)---
能源(Energy, MSc)---
能源和经济(Energy and Economics, MSc)---
药物化学工程(Chemical Engineering with Pharmaceutical Chemistry, MEng)---
西班牙语和应用语言学(Spanish and Applied Language Studies, MA (Hons))---
计算数学(Computational Mathematics, MSc)---
计算机与电子产品(Computing and Electronics, BEng (Hons))---
计算机科学(Computer Science, BSc)---
计算机系统(Computer Systems, BSc (Hons))---
计算机系统管理(Computer Systems Management, MSc)---
计量金融和数学(Quantitative Finance and Mathematics, MSc)---
语言学 翻译口译(Languages (Interpreting and Translating) )---
质量调研(Quantity Surveying, BSc)---
软件工程(Software Engineering, MEng)---
运营管理(Operations Management, MSc)---
酿造和蒸馏(Brewing and Distilling, MSc)---
酿造蒸馏(Brewing and Distilling, BSc)---
金融(Finance, MA)---
金融(Finance, MSc)---
金融和商务法(Finance and Business Law, MA)---
金融数学(Financial Mathematics, BSc)---
金融数学(Financial Mathematics, MSc)---
金融数学(Mathematics with Finance, BSc)---
金融管理(Finance and Management, MSc)---
针织品 设计(Knitwear (Design, Heritage and Production), MA)---
食品和饮料(Food and Beverage Science, MSc)---
食品科学 安全和健康(Food Science, Safety and Health, MSc)---
食品科学和营养(Food Science and Nutrition, MSc)---
高级机械工程(Advanced Mechanical Engineering, MSc)---
人力资源管理(International Business Management with Human Resource Management, MA)本科商科36个月
商务经营(Bachelor of Business Administration, BBA)本科商科36个月
商务金融(Business and Finance, MA (Hons))本科商科36个月
国际商务管理(International Business Management, MA)本科商科36个月
室内设计(Interior Design, BA)本科商科36个月
市场营销国际商务管理(International Business Management with Marketing, MA)本科商科36个月
经济与商务管理(Economics and Business Management, MA (Hons))本科商科36个月
经济与市场营销(Economics and Marketing, MA)本科商科36个月
经济与金融(Economics and Finance, MA )本科商科36个月
经济学(Economics, MA )本科商科36个月
经济学与会计(Economics and Accountancy, MA)本科商科36个月
经济学与商务法(Economics and Business Law, MA )本科商科36个月
金融(Finance, MA)本科商科36个月
金融和商务法(Finance and Business Law, MA)本科商科36个月
金融数学(Financial Mathematics, BSc)本科商科36个月
会计金融(Accountancy and Finance, MA (Hons))本科商科48个月
体育事业管理和领导(Management and Leadership in Sports Business, MSc)硕士商科12个月
可持续管理国际商务管理(International Business Management with Sustainability Management, MSc)硕士商科12个月
国际人力资源管理商务管理(International Business Management with HRM, MSc)硕士商科12个月
国际会计和建筑经济(International Accounting and Environmental Economics, MSc)硕士商科12个月
国际会计和管理(International Accounting and Management, MSc)硕士商科12个月
国际会计和金融(International Accounting and Finance, MSc)硕士商科12个月
国际市场营销商务管理(International Business Management with Marketing, MSc)硕士商科12个月
国际市场营销管理(International Marketing Management, MSc)硕士商科12个月
国际市场营销管理,消费者心理(International Marketing Management with Consumer Psychology, MSc)硕士商科12个月
国际旅游商务管理(International Business Management with Tourism, MSc)硕士商科12个月
国际时尚市场营销(International Fashion Marketing, MSc)硕士商科12个月
国际物流商务管理(International Business Management with Logistics, MSc)硕士商科12个月
国际管理和商务通讯(International Management and Business Communication, MSc)硕士商科12个月
国际绩效管理商务管理(International Business Management with Performance Management, MSc)硕士商科12个月
国际金融和企业任责(International Finance and Corporate Accountability, MSc)硕士商科12个月
国际金融和环境经济(International Finance and Environmental Economics, MSc)硕士商科12个月
国际金融和经济发展(International Finance and Economic Development, MSc)硕士商科12个月
国际金融商务管理(International Business Management with Finance, MSc)硕士商科12个月
国际银行金融(International Banking and Finance, MSc)硕士商科12个月
国际项目管理商务管理(International Business Management with Project Management, MSc)硕士商科12个月
投资管理(Investment Management, MSc)硕士商科12个月
物流和供应链管理(Logistics and Supply Chain Management, MSc)硕士商科12个月
精算管理(Actuarial Management, MSc)硕士商科12个月
经济 银行和金融(Economics, Banking and Finance, MSc)硕士商科12个月
金融(Finance, MSc)硕士商科12个月
金融数学(Financial Mathematics, MSc)硕士商科12个月
金融管理(Finance and Management, MSc)硕士商科12个月
化学工程(Chemical Engineering, MEng)本科工科36个月
化学能源工程(Chemical Engineering with Energy Engineering, MEng)本科工科36个月
土木工程(Civil Engineering, BEng)本科工科36个月
工程(Engineering, BEng)本科工科36个月
工程物理(Engineering Physics, MPhys)本科工科36个月
建筑工程国际研究(Architectural Engineering with International Studies, MEng)本科工科36个月
机械与能源工程(Mechanical Engineering and Energy Engineering, MEng)本科工科36个月
机械工程(Mechanical Engineering, MEng)本科工科36个月
油气技术化学工程(Chemical Engineering with Oil and Gas Technology, MEng)本科工科36个月
电力能源(Electrical Power and Energy, MEng)本科工科36个月
电子电气工程(Electrical and Electronic Engineering, BEng )本科工科36个月
纳米科学(Nanoscience, BSc )本科工科36个月
药物化学工程(Chemical Engineering with Pharmaceutical Chemistry, MEng)本科工科36个月
软件工程(Software Engineering, MEng)本科工科36个月
建筑工程(Architectural Engineering, MEng)本科工科60个月
石油工程(Petroleum Engineering, MSc)硕士工科12个月
化学与专业教育(Chemistry and Professional Education, BSc (Hons))本科教育与师范36个月
信息系统(Information Systems, BSc)本科理科36个月
化学(Chemistry, BSc)本科理科36个月
化学与生物化学(Chemistry with Biochemistry, BSc (Hons))本科理科36个月
化学与纳米技术(Chemistry with Nanotechnology, MChem)本科理科36个月
化学与药物化学(Chemistry with Pharmaceutical Chemistry, MChem)本科理科36个月
化学与计算化学(Chemistry with Computational Chemistry, MChem)本科理科36个月
化学物理(Chemical Physics, MPhys)本科理科36个月
城市规划与房地产开发(Urban Planning and Property Development, BSc (Hons))本科理科36个月
建筑工程管理(Construction Project Management, BSc (Hons))本科理科36个月
建筑设计国际研究(Structural Engineering with International Studies, MEng)本科理科36个月
建筑设计结构工程(Structural Engineering with Architectural Design, MEng)本科理科36个月
数学(Mathematics, BSc)本科理科36个月
数学与计算机科学(Mathematics and Computer Science, BSc)本科理科36个月
数学物理(Mathematical Physics, MPhys)本科理科36个月
数学物理(Mathematics with Physics, BSc)本科理科36个月
数学统计 精算(Mathematical, Statistical and Actuarial Sciences, BSc)本科理科36个月
数学统计学(Mathematics with Statistics, BSc)本科理科36个月
机器人 自主和交互(Robotics, Autonomous and Interactive Systems, MEng)本科理科36个月
物理(Physics, BSc)本科理科36个月
物理与职业教育(Physics and Professional Education, BSc)本科理科36个月
物理与能源科学科技(Physics with Energy Science and Technology, MPhys)本科理科36个月
生物科学(Biological Sciences, BSc)本科理科36个月
生物科学(人体健康)(Biological Sciences (Human Health), BSc)本科理科36个月
生物科学(微生物)(Biological Sciences (Microbiology), BSc)本科理科36个月
生物科学(细胞和分子生物学)(Biological Sciences (Cell and Molecular Biology), BSc (Hons))本科理科36个月
生物科学(食品和饮料科学)(Biological Sciences (Food and Beverage Science), BSc)本科理科36个月
结构工程(Structural Engineering, MEng)本科理科36个月
统计模型(Statistical Modelling, BSc)本科理科36个月
计算机与电子产品(Computing and Electronics, BEng (Hons))本科理科36个月
计算机科学(Computer Science, BSc)本科理科36个月
计算机系统(Computer Systems, BSc (Hons))本科理科36个月
酿造蒸馏(Brewing and Distilling, BSc)本科理科36个月
金融数学(Mathematics with Finance, BSc)本科理科36个月
材料化学(Chemistry With Materials, Bsc)本科理科48个月
精算(Actuarial Science, BSc)本科理科48个月
人力资源MBA(MBA with Specialism in Human Resource Management)硕士理科12个月
人工智能(Artificial Intelligence, MSc)硕士理科12个月
信息技术(商务)(Information Technology (Business), MSc)硕士理科12个月
信息技术(软件系统)(Information Technology (Software Systems), MSc)硕士理科12个月
光子学和光电子设备(Photonics and Optoelectronic Devices, MSc)硕士理科12个月
具有语音和多模式交互的人工智能(Artificial Intelligence with Speech and Multimodal Interaction, MSc)硕士理科12个月
商业管理和数量测量(Commercial Management and Quantity Surveying, MSc)硕士理科12个月
商务信息管理(Business Information Management, MSc)硕士理科12个月
嵌入式系统(Embedded Systems, MSc)硕士理科12个月
工程项目管理(Construction Project Management, MSc)硕士理科12个月
市场营销MBA(MBA with Specialism in Marketing)硕士理科12个月
应用数学科学(Applied Mathematical Sciences, MSc)硕士理科12个月
应用数学科学与气候变化影响建模(Applied Mathematical Sciences with Climate Change Impacts Modelling, MSc)硕士理科12个月
应用数学科学与生物和生态模型(Applied Mathematical Sciences with Biological and Ecological Modelling MSc)硕士理科12个月
建筑服务工程(Building Services Engineering, MSc)硕士理科12个月
战略规划MBA(MBA with Specialism in Strategic Planning)硕士理科12个月
手机通讯(Mobile Communications, MSc)硕士理科12个月
数学(Mathematics, MSc)硕士理科12个月
数学生物学,生态学和医学(Mathematical Biology, Ecology and Medicine, MSc)硕士理科12个月
数据科学(Data Science, MSc)硕士理科12个月
欧洲战略项目管理硕士(MSPME)(European Master in Strategic Project Management (MSPME), MSc)硕士理科12个月
油气技术(Oil and Gas Technology, MSc)硕士理科12个月
海洋可再生能源(Marine Renewable Energy, MSc)硕士理科12个月
海洋生物多样性和生物技术(Marine Biodiversity and Biotechnology, MSc)硕士理科12个月
海洋科学(Marine Science, MSc)硕士理科12个月
海洋规划可持续发展(Marine Planning for Sustainable Development, MSc)硕士理科12个月
海洋规划和可持续发展(Marine Planning for Sustainable Development, MSc)硕士理科12个月
海洋资源发展和保护(Marine Resource Development and Protection, MSc)硕士理科12个月
海洋资源管理(Marine Resource Management (MRM), MSc)硕士理科12个月
生物技术(Biotechnology, MSc)硕士理科12个月
石油地球科学(Applied Petroleum Geoscience, MSc)硕士理科12个月
管理业务性能(Managing Business Performance, MSc)硕士理科12个月
精算科学(Actuarial Science, MSc)硕士理科12个月
精算科学与管理(Actuarial Science and Management, MSc)硕士理科12个月
综合海事数据技能(Integrative Marine Data Skills, MSc)硕士理科12个月
网络安全(Network Security , MSc)硕士理科12个月
能源(Energy, MSc)硕士理科12个月
能源和经济(Energy and Economics, MSc)硕士理科12个月
计算数学(Computational Mathematics, MSc)硕士理科12个月
计算机系统管理(Computer Systems Management, MSc)硕士理科12个月
计量金融和数学(Quantitative Finance and Mathematics, MSc)硕士理科12个月
运营管理(Operations Management, MSc)硕士理科12个月
酿造和蒸馏(Brewing and Distilling, MSc)硕士理科12个月
高级机械工程(Advanced Mechanical Engineering, MSc)硕士理科12个月
人类健康和疾病(Human Health and Disease, MSc)硕士生命科学与医学12个月
食品和饮料(Food and Beverage Science, MSc)硕士生命科学与医学12个月
食品科学 安全和健康(Food Science, Safety and Health, MSc)硕士生命科学与医学12个月
食品科学和营养(Food Science and Nutrition, MSc)硕士生命科学与医学12个月
地理 社会和环境(Geography, Society and Environment, MA)本科社科36个月
德语与应用语言学(German and Applied Language Studies, MA (Hons))本科社科36个月
心理学(Psychology, BSc)本科社科36个月
心理学管理(Psychology with Management, BSc)本科社科36个月
法语与应用语言学(French and Applied Language Studies, MA )本科社科36个月
海洋生物学(Marine Biology, BSc)本科社科36个月
西班牙语和应用语言学(Spanish and Applied Language Studies, MA (Hons))本科社科36个月
语言学 翻译口译(Languages (Interpreting and Translating) )本科社科36个月
质量调研(Quantity Surveying, BSc)本科社科36个月
会计与商业法(Accountancy and Business Law, MA (Hons))本科社科48个月
应用语言和翻译(德语/英语(Applied Languages and Translating (German/British Sign Language), MA)本科社科48个月
应用语言和翻译(德语/西班牙语(Applied Languages and Translating (German/ Spanish), MA)本科社科48个月
应用语言和翻译(法语/德语(Applied Languages and Translating (French/German))本科社科48个月
应用语言和翻译(法语/英语(Applied Languages and Translating (French/British Sign Language), MA (Hons))本科社科48个月
应用语言和翻译(法语/西班牙语(Applied Languages and Translating (French/Spanish), MA)本科社科48个月
应用语言和翻译(西班牙语/英语(Applied Languages and Translating (Spanish/British Sign Language), MA)本科社科48个月
中英口译翻译(Chinese - English Interpreting and Translating (2 Years), MSc)硕士社科12个月
中英翻译(Chinese-English Translating, MSc)硕士社科12个月
口译(Interpreting, MSc)硕士社科12个月
口译翻译(Interpreting and Translating, MSc)硕士社科12个月
商业心理学(Business Psychology, MSc)硕士社科12个月
商业战略,领导力和变革(Business Strategy, Leadership and Change, MSc)硕士社科12个月
土木工程和建筑管理(Civil Engineering and Construction Management, MSc)硕士社科12个月
气候变化:影响和缓解(Climate Change: Impacts and Mitigation, MSc)硕士社科12个月
气候变化:管理海洋环境(Climate Change: Managing the Marine Environment, MSc)硕士社科12个月
时尚(Fashion, BA)本科艺术与人文36个月
时尚传媒(Fashion Communication, BA)本科艺术与人文36个月
时尚女装(Fashion Womenswear, BA)本科艺术与人文36个月
时尚市场营销和零售(Fashion Marketing and Retailing, BA)本科艺术与人文36个月
时尚男装(Fashion Menswear, BA)本科艺术与人文36个月
时尚科技(Fashion Technology, BSc)本科艺术与人文36个月
纺织品设计(时尚、室内、艺术)(Design for Textiles (Fashion, Interior, Art), BA )本科艺术与人文36个月
室内建筑设计(Interior Architecture and Design)硕士艺术与人文12个月
时尚纺织品管理(Fashion and Textiles Management, MSc)硕士艺术与人文12个月
时尚纺织品设计(Fashion and Textiles Design)硕士艺术与人文12个月
针织品 设计(Knitwear (Design, Heritage and Production), MA)硕士艺术与人文12个月




优势专业: 精算 石油工程 海洋工程 信息技术



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