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2024-03-04 20:27:39 | 金泉留学网




临床心理学研究生文凭课程(Graduate Diploma of Clinical Psychology)---
临床心理学研究生证书课程(Graduate Certificate of Clinical Psychology)---
人力资源管理(Bachelor of Business, majoring in Human Resources Management)---
人文服务(Bachelor of Arts, majoring in Human Services)---
人类地理(Bachelor of Arts, majoring in Human Geography)---
人类学(Bachelor of Arts, majoring in Anthropology)---
会计(Graduate Certificate of Accounting)---
会计(Graduate Diploma of Accounting)---
会计学(Bachelor of Business, majoring in Accounting)---
会计研究生文凭课程(Graduate Diploma of Accounting)---
会计研究生证书课程(Graduate Certificate of Accounting)---
体育与会展管理(Bachelor of Business, majoring in Sports and Events Management)---
体育和运动科学学士(Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Science)---
信息技术学士(Bachelor of Information Technology)---
信息技术研究生证书课程(Graduate Certificate of Information Technology)---
信息技术硕士(Master of Information Technology)---
信息科学(Bachelor of Information Technology)---
健康促进研究生文凭课程(Graduate Diploma of Health Promotion)---
健康促进研究生证书课程(Graduate Certificate of Health Promotion)---
公共健康博士(Doctor of Public Health)---
公共健康和热带医学研究生文凭课程(Graduate Diploma of Public Health and Tropical Medicine)---
公共健康和热带医学硕士(Master of Public Health and Tropical Medicine)---
公共健康研究生证书课程(Graduate Certificate of Public Health)---
公共健康硕士(Master of Public Health)---
兽医(Bachelor of Veterinary Science)---
兽医科学学士(Bachelor of Veterinary Science)---
冲突管理和解决研究生证书课程(Graduate Certificate of Conflict Management and Resolution)---
冲突管理和解决硕士(Master of Conflict Management and Resolution)---
分子生物与细胞(Bachelor of Science, majoring in Molecular and Cell Biology)---
创意产业学士(Bachelor of Creative Industries)---
创意文化,传媒(传媒)(Bachelor of Creative Arts and Media, majoring in Media )---
创意文化,传媒(摄影)(Bachelor of Creative Arts and Media, majoring in Photography)---
创意文化,传媒(设计)(Bachelor of Creative Arts and Media, majoring in Design)---
创意文化,传媒(音乐与电影画面)(Bachelor of Creative Arts and Media, majoring in Music, Sound and Moving Image)---
动物学与生态学(Bachelor of Science, majoring in Zoology and Ecology)---
化学工程(Bachelor of Engineering (Honours), majoring in Chemical Engineering)---
化学科学(Bachelor of Science, majoring in Chemistry)---
医学博士(Doctor of Medicine)---
医学实验科学学士(Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Science)---
历史(Bachelor of Arts, majoring in History)---
发展实践研究生文凭课程(Graduate Diploma of Development Practice)---
发展实践研究生证书课程(Graduate Certificate of Development Practice)---
发展实践硕士(Master of Development Practice)---
口腔外科(Bachelor of Dental Surgery)---
可持续发展学士(Bachelor of Sustainability)---
商业与环境科学(Bachelor of Business and Environmental Science)---
商业智能与信息系统(Bachelor of Business, majoring in Business Intelligence and Information Systems)---
商学和环境科学学士(水产养殖业)(Bachelor of Business and Environmental Science (Aquaculture))---
商学学士(Bachelor of Business)---
商科 心理学双学位(Bachelor of Business-Bachelor of Psychological Science)---
国际商务(Bachelor of Business, majoring in International Business)---
土木工程(Bachelor of Engineering (Honours), majoring in Civil Engineering)---
地球科学(Bachelor of Science, majoring in Earth Science)---
地质学(Bachelor of Geology)---
地质学学士(Bachelor of Geology)---
城市规划(Bachelor of Planning)---
多媒体新闻与写作(Bachelor of Arts, majoring in Multimedia Journalism and Writing)---
多媒体新闻学士(Bachelor of Multimedia Journalism)---
实验科学(Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Science (Honours))---
工商管理(Graduate Certificate of Business Administration)---
工商管理研究生证书课程(Graduate Certificate of Business Administration)---
工商管理硕士(Master of Business Administration)---
工程学与信息技术双学位(Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) - Bachelor of Information Technology)---
工程学与科学双学位(Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) - Bachelor of Science)---
工程学士(荣誉)(Bachelor of Engineering (Honours))---
市场营销(Bachelor of Business, majoring in Marketing)---
康复研究生文凭课程(物理治疗)(Graduate Diploma of Rehabilitation (Physiotherapy))---
康复研究生证书课程(物理治疗)(Graduate Certificate of Rehabilitation (Physiotherapy))---
康复硕士(物理治疗)(Master of Rehabilitation (Physiotherapy))---
心理学(Bachelor of Psychological Science)---
心理学博士(临床心理学)(Doctor of Psychology (Clinical Psychology))---
心理学学士(Bachelor of Psychological Science)---
心理学研究生文凭课程(Graduate Diploma of Psychology)---
心理学硕士(临床)(Master of Psychology (Clinical))---
心理研究(Bachelor of Arts, majoring in Psychology Studies)---
护理学研究生文凭课程(Graduate Diploma of Nursing)---
护理理学学士(Bachelor of Nursing Science)---
护理硕士(Master of Nursing)---
护理科学(Bachelor of Nursing Science)---
政治学与国际关系( Bachelor of Arts, majoring in Politics and International Relations)---
教育博士(Doctor of Education)---
教育学士(中学)(Bachelor of Education (Secondary))---
教育学士(小学)(Bachelor of Education (Primary))---
教育学士(幼教)(Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood Education))---
教育学研究生文凭课程(中学)(Graduate Diploma of Education (Secondary))---
教育学硕士(Master of Education)---
教育学(中学)(Bachelor of Education (Secondary))---
教育学(小学)( Bachelor of Education ( Primary ))---
教育学(早教)(Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood Education))---
教育研究生证书课程(Graduate Certificate of Education)---
数学(Bachelor of Science, majoring in Mathematics)---
文商双学位(Bachelor of Arts-Bachelor of Business)---
文学学士(Bachelor of Arts)---
文法双学位(Bachelor of Arts-Bachelor of Laws)---
文理双学位(Bachelor of Arts-Bachelor of Business)---
新媒体文学学士(Bachelor of New Media Arts)---
旅游医学研究生证书课程(Graduate Certificate of Travel Medicine)---
机械工程(Bachelor of Engineering (Honours), majoring in Mechanical Engineering)---
水产养殖与科学(Bachelor of Science, majoring in Aquaculture Science and Technology)---
法律(Bachelor of Laws)---
法律学士(Bachelor of Laws)---
法律学士(毕业生直入)(Bachelor of Laws (Graduate Entry))---
海洋生物(Bachelor of Science, majoring in Marine Biology)---
海洋科学(Bachelor of Marine Science)---
海洋科学学士(Bachelor of Marine Science)---
灾难和难民健康研究生证书课程(Graduate Certificate of Disaster and Refugee Health)---
热带兽医科学研究生文凭课程(Graduate Diploma of Tropical Veterinary Science)---
热带兽医科学研究生证书课程(Graduate Certificate of Tropical Veterinary Science)---
热带兽医科学硕士(Master of Tropical Veterinary Science)---
热带动物科学研究生文凭课程(Graduate Diploma of Tropical Animal Science)---
热带动物科学研究生证书课程(Graduate Certificate of Tropical Animal Science)---
热带动物科学硕士(Master of Tropical Animal Science)---
热带医学和卫生研究生文凭课程(Graduate Diploma of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene)---
热带城市与区域规划硕士(Master of Tropical Urban and Regional Planning)---
牙医学士(Bachelor of Dental Surgery)---
物理学(Bachelor of Science, majoring in Physics)---
物理治疗学士(Bachelor of Physiotherapy)---
物理疗法(Bachelor of Physiotherapy)---
犯罪学(Bachelor of Arts, majoring in Criminology)---
环境保护(Bachelor of Environmental Practice)---
现代语言学(Bachelor of Arts, majoring in Modern Languages)---
理学学士(Bachelor of Science)---
理学研究生文凭课程(Graduate Diploma of Science)---
理学研究生证书课程(Graduate Certificate of Science)---
理学硕士(Master of Science)---
生物医学科学学士(Bachelor of Biomedical Sciences)---
生物医学科学研究生文凭课程(Graduate Diploma of Biomedical Sciences)---
生物医学科学研究生证书课程(Graduate Certificate of Biomedical Sciences)---
生物医学科学硕士(Master of Biomedical Sciences)---
生物医药(Bachelor of Biomedical Sciences)---
生物医药(Graduate Certificate of Biomedical Sciences)---
生物医药(Graduate Diploma of Biomedical Sciences)---
生物技术学士(Bachelor of Biotechnology)---
生物技术研究生文凭课程(Graduate Diploma of Biotechnology)---
生物技术研究生证书课程(Graduate Certificate of Biotechnology)---
电子与嵌入工程(Bachelor of Engineering (Honours), majoring in Electronic Systems and Internet of Things Engineering)---
电子电气工程(Bachelor of Engineering (Honours), majoring in Electrical and Electronic Engineering)---
矿产地质科学硕士(Master of Minerals Geoscience )---
研发实践(Graduate Certificate of Development Practice)---
研发实践(Graduate Diploma of Development Practice)---
社会学(Bachelor of Arts, majoring in Sociology)---
社会工作学士(Bachelor of Social Work)---
社会工作硕士(专业资格)(Master of Social Work (Professional Qualifying))---
社会科学(Bachelor of Social Work)---
社会科学研究生文凭课程(Graduate Diploma of Social Science)---
社会科学硕士(Master of Social Science)---
管理学(Bachelor of Business, majoring in Management)---
管理,商务与社会(Bachelor of Business, majoring in Governance, Business and Society)---
经济学(Bachelor of Business, majoring in Economics)---
经济学研究生文凭课程(Graduate Diploma of Economics)---
经济学硕士(Master of Economics)---
老年心理学研究生文凭课程(Graduate Diploma of Geropsychology)---
考古学(Bachelor of Arts, majoring in Archaeology)---
职业会计硕士(Master of Professional Accounting)---
职业治疗学士(Bachelor of Occupational Therapy)---
职业理疗(Bachelor of Occupational Therapy (Honours))---
航空医学检索研究生证书课程(Graduate Certificate of Aeromedical Retrieval)---
英语(Bachelor of Arts, majoring in English)---
药剂学博士(Doctor of Pharmacy)---
药剂学学士(Bachelor of Pharmacy)---
药学(Bachelor of Pharmacy)---
药物公共健康硕士(Master of Pharmaceutical Public Health)---
规划学学士(Bachelor of Planning)---
言语病理学学士(Bachelor of Speech Pathology)---
辅导和咨询硕士(Master of Guidance and Counselling)---
运动科学(Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Science)---
运动科学与物理治疗(Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Science - Bachelor of Psychological Science)---
酒店与旅游管理(Bachelor of Business, majoring in Hospitality and Tourism Management)---
金融管理(Bachelor of Business, majoring in Financial Management)---
高等会计(Graduate Diploma of Advanced Accounting)---
高等教育(信息科学)(Diploma of Higher Education, majoring in Information Technology)---
高等教育(健康)(Diploma of Higher Education, majoring in Health)---
高等教育(商业研究)(Diploma of Higher Education, majoring in Business Studies)---
高等教育(商科)(Diploma of Higher Education (Business))---
高等教育(应用科学)(Diploma of Higher Education, majoring in Engineering and Applied Science)---
高等教育(社会与文化)(Diploma of Higher Education, majoring in Society and Culture)---
高等教育(科学)(Diploma of Higher Education, majoring in Science)---
高等教育(通识研究)(Diploma of Higher Education, majoring in General Studies)---
高等科学(Bachelor of Advanced Science)---
商学和环境科学学士(水产养殖业)(Bachelor of Business and Environmental Science (Aquaculture))本科农林36个月
人力资源管理(Bachelor of Business, majoring in Human Resources Management)本科商科36个月
会计学(Bachelor of Business, majoring in Accounting)本科商科36个月
体育与会展管理(Bachelor of Business, majoring in Sports and Events Management)本科商科36个月
商业与环境科学(Bachelor of Business and Environmental Science)本科商科36个月
商业智能与信息系统(Bachelor of Business, majoring in Business Intelligence and Information Systems)本科商科36个月
商学学士(Bachelor of Business)本科商科36个月
国际商务(Bachelor of Business, majoring in International Business)本科商科36个月
市场营销(Bachelor of Business, majoring in Marketing)本科商科36个月
管理学(Bachelor of Business, majoring in Management)本科商科36个月
管理,商务与社会(Bachelor of Business, majoring in Governance, Business and Society)本科商科36个月
经济学(Bachelor of Business, majoring in Economics)本科商科36个月
酒店与旅游管理(Bachelor of Business, majoring in Hospitality and Tourism Management)本科商科36个月
金融管理(Bachelor of Business, majoring in Financial Management)本科商科36个月
商科 心理学双学位(Bachelor of Business-Bachelor of Psychological Science)本科商科48个月
工商管理硕士(Master of Business Administration)硕士商科24个月
经济学硕士(Master of Economics)硕士商科24个月
职业会计硕士(Master of Professional Accounting)硕士商科24个月
会计(Graduate Diploma of Accounting)研究生文凭商科12个月
会计研究生文凭课程(Graduate Diploma of Accounting)研究生文凭商科12个月
生物医药(Graduate Diploma of Biomedical Sciences)研究生文凭商科12个月
研发实践(Graduate Diploma of Development Practice)研究生文凭商科12个月
经济学研究生文凭课程(Graduate Diploma of Economics)研究生文凭商科12个月
高等会计(Graduate Diploma of Advanced Accounting)研究生文凭商科12个月
会计(Graduate Certificate of Accounting)研究生文凭商科6个月
会计研究生证书课程(Graduate Certificate of Accounting)研究生文凭商科6个月
工商管理(Graduate Certificate of Business Administration)研究生文凭商科6个月
工商管理研究生证书课程(Graduate Certificate of Business Administration)研究生文凭商科6个月
研发实践(Graduate Certificate of Development Practice)研究生文凭商科6个月
化学工程(Bachelor of Engineering (Honours), majoring in Chemical Engineering)本科工科48个月
土木工程(Bachelor of Engineering (Honours), majoring in Civil Engineering)本科工科48个月
工程学士(荣誉)(Bachelor of Engineering (Honours))本科工科48个月
机械工程(Bachelor of Engineering (Honours), majoring in Mechanical Engineering)本科工科48个月
电子与嵌入工程(Bachelor of Engineering (Honours), majoring in Electronic Systems and Internet of Things Engineering)本科工科48个月
电子电气工程(Bachelor of Engineering (Honours), majoring in Electrical and Electronic Engineering)本科工科48个月
规划学学士(Bachelor of Planning)本科工科48个月
工程学与信息技术双学位(Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) - Bachelor of Information Technology)本科工科60个月
工程学与科学双学位(Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) - Bachelor of Science)本科工科60个月
教育学士(中学)(Bachelor of Education (Secondary))本科教育与师范48个月
教育学士(小学)(Bachelor of Education (Primary))本科教育与师范48个月
教育学士(幼教)(Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood Education))本科教育与师范48个月
教育学(中学)(Bachelor of Education (Secondary))本科教育与师范48个月
教育学(小学)( Bachelor of Education ( Primary ))本科教育与师范48个月
教育学(早教)(Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood Education))本科教育与师范48个月
教育学硕士(Master of Education)硕士教育与师范18个月
教育博士(Doctor of Education)博士教育与师范48个月
教育学研究生文凭课程(中学)(Graduate Diploma of Education (Secondary))研究生文凭教育与师范12个月
教育研究生证书课程(Graduate Certificate of Education)研究生文凭教育与师范6个月
高等教育(信息科学)(Diploma of Higher Education, majoring in Information Technology)文凭课程教育与师范12个月
高等教育(健康)(Diploma of Higher Education, majoring in Health)文凭课程教育与师范12个月
高等教育(商业研究)(Diploma of Higher Education, majoring in Business Studies)文凭课程教育与师范12个月
高等教育(商科)(Diploma of Higher Education (Business))文凭课程教育与师范12个月
高等教育(应用科学)(Diploma of Higher Education, majoring in Engineering and Applied Science)文凭课程教育与师范12个月
高等教育(社会与文化)(Diploma of Higher Education, majoring in Society and Culture)文凭课程教育与师范12个月
高等教育(科学)(Diploma of Higher Education, majoring in Science)文凭课程教育与师范12个月
高等教育(通识研究)(Diploma of Higher Education, majoring in General Studies)文凭课程教育与师范12个月
体育和运动科学学士(Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Science)本科理科36个月
信息技术学士(Bachelor of Information Technology)本科理科36个月
信息科学(Bachelor of Information Technology)本科理科36个月
分子生物与细胞(Bachelor of Science, majoring in Molecular and Cell Biology)本科理科36个月
动物学与生态学(Bachelor of Science, majoring in Zoology and Ecology)本科理科36个月
化学科学(Bachelor of Science, majoring in Chemistry)本科理科36个月
地球科学(Bachelor of Science, majoring in Earth Science)本科理科36个月
地质学(Bachelor of Geology)本科理科36个月
实验科学(Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Science (Honours))本科理科36个月
心理学(Bachelor of Psychological Science)本科理科36个月
心理学学士(Bachelor of Psychological Science)本科理科36个月
护理科学(Bachelor of Nursing Science)本科理科36个月
数学(Bachelor of Science, majoring in Mathematics)本科理科36个月
水产养殖与科学(Bachelor of Science, majoring in Aquaculture Science and Technology)本科理科36个月
海洋生物(Bachelor of Science, majoring in Marine Biology)本科理科36个月
海洋科学(Bachelor of Marine Science)本科理科36个月
海洋科学学士(Bachelor of Marine Science)本科理科36个月
物理学(Bachelor of Science, majoring in Physics)本科理科36个月
环境保护(Bachelor of Environmental Practice)本科理科36个月
理学学士(Bachelor of Science)本科理科36个月
生物医药(Bachelor of Biomedical Sciences)本科理科36个月
运动科学(Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Science)本科理科36个月
高等科学(Bachelor of Advanced Science)本科理科36个月
城市规划(Bachelor of Planning)本科理科48个月
物理疗法(Bachelor of Physiotherapy)本科理科48个月
社会科学(Bachelor of Social Work)本科理科48个月
职业理疗(Bachelor of Occupational Therapy (Honours))本科理科48个月
药学(Bachelor of Pharmacy)本科理科48个月
兽医(Bachelor of Veterinary Science)本科理科60个月
运动科学与物理治疗(Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Science - Bachelor of Psychological Science)本科理科60个月
热带动物科学硕士(Master of Tropical Animal Science)硕士理科18个月
热带城市与区域规划硕士(Master of Tropical Urban and Regional Planning)硕士理科18个月
理学硕士(Master of Science)硕士理科18个月
信息技术硕士(Master of Information Technology)硕士理科24个月
矿产地质科学硕士(Master of Minerals Geoscience )硕士理科24个月
热带动物科学研究生文凭课程(Graduate Diploma of Tropical Animal Science)研究生文凭理科12个月
理学研究生文凭课程(Graduate Diploma of Science)研究生文凭理科12个月
生物技术研究生文凭课程(Graduate Diploma of Biotechnology)研究生文凭理科12个月
信息技术研究生证书课程(Graduate Certificate of Information Technology)研究生文凭理科6个月
理学研究生证书课程(Graduate Certificate of Science)研究生文凭理科6个月
生物医药(Graduate Certificate of Biomedical Sciences)研究生文凭理科6个月
生物技术研究生证书课程(Graduate Certificate of Biotechnology)研究生文凭理科6个月
护理理学学士(Bachelor of Nursing Science)本科生命科学与医学36个月
生物医学科学学士(Bachelor of Biomedical Sciences)本科生命科学与医学36个月
生物技术学士(Bachelor of Biotechnology)本科生命科学与医学36个月
医学实验科学学士(Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Science)本科生命科学与医学48个月
物理治疗学士(Bachelor of Physiotherapy)本科生命科学与医学48个月
职业治疗学士(Bachelor of Occupational Therapy)本科生命科学与医学48个月
药剂学学士(Bachelor of Pharmacy)本科生命科学与医学48个月
言语病理学学士(Bachelor of Speech Pathology)本科生命科学与医学48个月
兽医科学学士(Bachelor of Veterinary Science)本科生命科学与医学60个月
牙医学士(Bachelor of Dental Surgery)本科生命科学与医学60个月
公共健康和热带医学硕士(Master of Public Health and Tropical Medicine)硕士生命科学与医学18个月
公共健康硕士(Master of Public Health)硕士生命科学与医学18个月
康复硕士(物理治疗)(Master of Rehabilitation (Physiotherapy))硕士生命科学与医学18个月
护理硕士(Master of Nursing)硕士生命科学与医学18个月
热带兽医科学硕士(Master of Tropical Veterinary Science)硕士生命科学与医学18个月
生物医学科学硕士(Master of Biomedical Sciences)硕士生命科学与医学18个月
药物公共健康硕士(Master of Pharmaceutical Public Health)硕士生命科学与医学18个月
公共健康博士(Doctor of Public Health)博士生命科学与医学48个月
医学博士(Doctor of Medicine)博士生命科学与医学48个月
药剂学博士(Doctor of Pharmacy)博士生命科学与医学48个月
康复研究生文凭课程(物理治疗)(Graduate Diploma of Rehabilitation (Physiotherapy))研究生文凭生命科学与医学12个月
护理学研究生文凭课程(Graduate Diploma of Nursing)研究生文凭生命科学与医学12个月
热带兽医科学研究生文凭课程(Graduate Diploma of Tropical Veterinary Science)研究生文凭生命科学与医学12个月
热带医学和卫生研究生文凭课程(Graduate Diploma of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene)研究生文凭生命科学与医学12个月
生物医学科学研究生文凭课程(Graduate Diploma of Biomedical Sciences)研究生文凭生命科学与医学12个月
公共健康研究生证书课程(Graduate Certificate of Public Health)研究生文凭生命科学与医学6个月
康复研究生证书课程(物理治疗)(Graduate Certificate of Rehabilitation (Physiotherapy))研究生文凭生命科学与医学6个月
旅游医学研究生证书课程(Graduate Certificate of Travel Medicine)研究生文凭生命科学与医学6个月
热带兽医科学研究生证书课程(Graduate Certificate of Tropical Veterinary Science)研究生文凭生命科学与医学6个月
生物医学科学研究生证书课程(Graduate Certificate of Biomedical Sciences)研究生文凭生命科学与医学6个月
航空医学检索研究生证书课程(Graduate Certificate of Aeromedical Retrieval)研究生文凭生命科学与医学6个月
可持续发展学士(Bachelor of Sustainability)本科社科36个月
地质学学士(Bachelor of Geology)本科社科36个月
多媒体新闻学士(Bachelor of Multimedia Journalism)本科社科36个月
法律学士(毕业生直入)(Bachelor of Laws (Graduate Entry))本科社科36个月
法律(Bachelor of Laws)本科社科48个月
法律学士(Bachelor of Laws)本科社科48个月
社会工作学士(Bachelor of Social Work)本科社科48个月
社会科学硕士(Master of Social Science)硕士社科18个月
辅导和咨询硕士(Master of Guidance and Counselling)硕士社科18个月
冲突管理和解决硕士(Master of Conflict Management and Resolution)硕士社科24个月
发展实践硕士(Master of Development Practice)硕士社科24个月
心理学硕士(临床)(Master of Psychology (Clinical))硕士社科24个月
社会工作硕士(专业资格)(Master of Social Work (Professional Qualifying))硕士社科24个月
心理学博士(临床心理学)(Doctor of Psychology (Clinical Psychology))博士社科48个月
临床心理学研究生文凭课程(Graduate Diploma of Clinical Psychology)研究生文凭社科12个月
健康促进研究生文凭课程(Graduate Diploma of Health Promotion)研究生文凭社科12个月
公共健康和热带医学研究生文凭课程(Graduate Diploma of Public Health and Tropical Medicine)研究生文凭社科12个月
发展实践研究生文凭课程(Graduate Diploma of Development Practice)研究生文凭社科12个月
心理学研究生文凭课程(Graduate Diploma of Psychology)研究生文凭社科12个月
社会科学研究生文凭课程(Graduate Diploma of Social Science)研究生文凭社科12个月
老年心理学研究生文凭课程(Graduate Diploma of Geropsychology)研究生文凭社科12个月
临床心理学研究生证书课程(Graduate Certificate of Clinical Psychology)研究生文凭社科6个月
健康促进研究生证书课程(Graduate Certificate of Health Promotion)研究生文凭社科6个月
冲突管理和解决研究生证书课程(Graduate Certificate of Conflict Management and Resolution)研究生文凭社科6个月
发展实践研究生证书课程(Graduate Certificate of Development Practice)研究生文凭社科6个月
灾难和难民健康研究生证书课程(Graduate Certificate of Disaster and Refugee Health)研究生文凭社科6个月
热带动物科学研究生证书课程(Graduate Certificate of Tropical Animal Science)研究生文凭社科6个月
人文服务(Bachelor of Arts, majoring in Human Services)本科艺术与人文36个月
人类地理(Bachelor of Arts, majoring in Human Geography)本科艺术与人文36个月
人类学(Bachelor of Arts, majoring in Anthropology)本科艺术与人文36个月
创意产业学士(Bachelor of Creative Industries)本科艺术与人文36个月
创意文化,传媒(传媒)(Bachelor of Creative Arts and Media, majoring in Media )本科艺术与人文36个月
创意文化,传媒(摄影)(Bachelor of Creative Arts and Media, majoring in Photography)本科艺术与人文36个月
创意文化,传媒(设计)(Bachelor of Creative Arts and Media, majoring in Design)本科艺术与人文36个月
创意文化,传媒(音乐与电影画面)(Bachelor of Creative Arts and Media, majoring in Music, Sound and Moving Image)本科艺术与人文36个月
历史(Bachelor of Arts, majoring in History)本科艺术与人文36个月
多媒体新闻与写作(Bachelor of Arts, majoring in Multimedia Journalism and Writing)本科艺术与人文36个月
心理研究(Bachelor of Arts, majoring in Psychology Studies)本科艺术与人文36个月
政治学与国际关系( Bachelor of Arts, majoring in Politics and International Relations)本科艺术与人文36个月
文学学士(Bachelor of Arts)本科艺术与人文36个月
新媒体文学学士(Bachelor of New Media Arts)本科艺术与人文36个月
犯罪学(Bachelor of Arts, majoring in Criminology)本科艺术与人文36个月
现代语言学(Bachelor of Arts, majoring in Modern Languages)本科艺术与人文36个月
社会学(Bachelor of Arts, majoring in Sociology)本科艺术与人文36个月
考古学(Bachelor of Arts, majoring in Archaeology)本科艺术与人文36个月
英语(Bachelor of Arts, majoring in English)本科艺术与人文36个月
文商双学位(Bachelor of Arts-Bachelor of Business)本科艺术与人文48个月
文理双学位(Bachelor of Arts-Bachelor of Business)本科艺术与人文48个月
口腔外科(Bachelor of Dental Surgery)本科艺术与人文60个月
文法双学位(Bachelor of Arts-Bachelor of Laws)本科艺术与人文60个月
哲学博士(DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY)博士艺术与人文48个月




优势专业: 商科 文科 运动科学 职业理疗




2024-02-23 19:06:38


2024-03-03 02:17:04


2024-02-22 23:28:50


2024-01-07 02:43:02


2023-12-30 14:32:18


2024-01-16 13:44:03

詹姆斯库克大学考多少分能上 詹姆斯库克大学本科申请条件: 高中毕业,。 詹姆斯库克大学研究生申请条件: 学历要求:大四在读学生或者已经完成本科学习的学生 语言要求:, 詹姆斯库克大学奖学金 立思辰留学云介绍,澳大利亚詹姆斯·库克大学(JamesCookUniversity),简称JCU或JCU,始建于1963年,是澳洲著名公立研究型综合大学之一,以教学

2024-02-29 16:10:23


2024-01-11 10:52:12