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2024-03-04 07:25:04 | 金泉留学网




专业会计硕士(Master of Professional Accounting)---
专业传播学士(Master of Professional Communications)---
中学师范教育学士(Bachelor of Education (Secondary))---
中学师范教育研究生文凭课程(Graduate Diploma of Education (Secondary))---
人体生物学研究硕士(Master of Science (Human Biology) by Research)---
人力资源管理硕士(Master of Human Resource Management)---
仪器、控制与自动化工程学士(Bachelor of Engineering (Instrumentation, Control and automation) Honours)---
会计硕士(Master of Professional Accounting)---
传媒学士(Bachelor of Media and Communications)---
传播和创意产业文凭课程(第一年)(Diploma of Communications and Creative Industries(Year 1))---
传播和创意产业文凭课程(第二年)(Diploma of Communications and Creative Industries(Year 2))---
传播硕士(Master of Professional Communications)---
体育、休闲与会展管理学士(Bachelor of Sport, Recreation and Event Management)---
体育科学与足球理学学士(Bachelor of Science (Sports Science and Football))---
体育科学研究硕士(Master of Science (Sports Science) by Research)---
信息技术博士(Doctor of Information Technology)---
信息技术学士(Bachelor of Information Technology)---
信息技术硕士(Master of Information Technology)---
信息服务研究生文凭课程(Graduate Diploma of Science (Information Services))---
健康科学博士-临床领导与管理(Doctor of Health Science (Clinical Leadership and Management))---
健康科学学士(Bachelor of Health Science)---
公共卫生研究生文凭课程(Graduate Diploma of Public Health)---
公共卫生研究硕士(Master of Public Health by Research)---
公共卫生硕士(Master of Public Health)---
刑事司法研究硕士(Master of Criminal Justice by Research)---
助产研究硕士(Master of Midwifery (Research))---
化学工程荣誉学士(Bachelor of Engineering (Chemical) Honours)---
化学研究理学硕士(Master of Science (Chemistry) by Research)---
医学与药学硕士(Master of Paramedical Science)---
医学科学学士(Bachelor of Medical Science)---
可持续发展学士(Bachelor of Sustainability)---
咨询与心理疗法硕士(Master of Counselling and Psychotherapy)---
咨询学士(Bachelor of Counselling)---
哲学博士(Doctor of Philosophy)---
哲学博士(综合)(Doctor of Philosophy (Integrated))---
商学士(Bachelor of Commerce)---
商学学士(Bachelor of Business)---
商学学士-心理学文学学士双学位项目(Bachelor of Business/Bachelor of arts (Psychology))---
商学研究生证书课程(Graduate Certificate of Business)---
商学研究硕士(Master of Business by Research)---
商科文凭课程(第一年)( Diploma of Business(Year 1))---
商科文凭课程(第二年)( Diploma of Business(Year 2))---
国际工商管理硕士(Master of Business Administration International)---
国际酒店与度假区管理学士(Bachelor of International Hotel and Resort Management)---
国际酒店管理硕士(Master of International Hospitality Management)---
土木与环境工程学士(Bachelor of Engineering (Civil and Environmental) Honours)---
土木工程学士(Bachelor of Engineering (Civil) Honours)---
媒体和传播学士(Bachelor of Media and Communications)---
安全理学学士(Bachelor of Science (Security))---
小学师范教育学士(Bachelor of Education (Primary))---
小学师范教育研究生文凭课程(Graduate Diploma of Education (Primary))---
工商管理硕士(Master of Business Administration)---
工程学士(Bachelor of Technology (Engineering))---
工程硕士(Master of Engineering)---
工程科学学士(Bachelor of Engineering Science)---
工程科学研究硕士(Master of Engineering Science by Research)---
工程荣誉学士-商学学士双学位项目(Bachelor of Engineering Honours/Bachelor of Business)---
工程荣誉学士-法学学士双学位项目(Bachelor of Engineering Honours/Bachelor of Laws)---
工程荣誉学士-理学学士双学位项目(Bachelor of Engineering Honours/Bachelor of Science)---
市场营销、广告与公共关系学士(Bachelor of Marketing, Advertising and Public Relations)---
市场营销与创新管理硕士(Master of Marketing and Innovation Management)---
广播研究生文凭课程(Graduate Diploma of Broadcasting)---
广播研究生证书课程(Graduate Certificate in Broadcasting (Radio))---
当代艺术学士(Bachelor of Contemporary arts)---
心理与咨询文学学士(Bachelor of arts (Psychology and Counselling))---
心理与成瘾研究文学学士(Bachelor of arts (Psychology and addiction Studies))---
心理与成瘾研究文学学士(Bachelor of Arts(Psychology and Addiction Studies))---
心理学、犯罪学与司法文学学士(Bachelor of arts (Psychology, Criminology and Justice))---
心理学学士(Bachelor of Psychological Science)---
心理学文学学士(Bachelor of arts (Psychology))---
心理学文科学士(Bachelor of Arts (Psychology))---
心理学理学学士(Bachelor of Science (Psychology))---
心理学理科学士(Bachelor of Science (Psychology))---
心理学硕士(Master of Psychology)---
心理科学学士(Bachelor of Psychological Science)---
护理理学学士(Bachelor of Science (Nursing))---
护理研究理学学士(Bachelor of Science (Nursing Studies))---
护理研究硕士(Master of Nursing (Research))---
护理硕士(Master of Nursing)---
教育硕士-授课型(Master of Education)---
教育硕士-研究型(Master of Education by Research)---
教育领导研究生证书课程(Graduate Certificate of Education in Educational Leadership)---
数字取证硕士(Master of Digital Forensics)---
数学和规划研究硕士(Master of Science (Mathematics and Planning) by Research)---
文学-商学双学位(Bachelor of arts/Bachelor of Business)---
文学-媒体和传播学双学位(Bachelor of arts/Bachelor of Media and Communications)---
文学-理学双学位(Bachelor of arts/Bachelor of Science)---
文学士(双学位)(Bachelor of Arts(double))---
文学学士(Bachelor of arts)---
文学研究硕士(Master of Arts by Research)---
早期师范教育学士(Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood Studies))---
早期师范教育研究生文凭课程(Graduate Diploma of Education (Early Childhood Studies))---
机械工程荣誉学士(Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical) Honours)---
机电工程学士(Bachelor of Engineering (Mechatronics) Honours)---
机电工程荣誉学士-赛车工程技术学士双学位项目(Bachelor of Engineering (Mechatronics) Honours/Bachelor of Technology(Motorsports))---
法医调查学士(Bachelor of Forensic Investigation)---
法学-商学双学位(Bachelor of Laws/Bachelor of Business)---
法学-心理学双学位(Bachelor of Laws/Bachelor of Psychological Science)---
法学士/商学士(Bachelor of Laws/Bachelor of Commerce)---
法学士/心理学学士(Bachelor of Laws/Bachelor of Psychological Science)---
法学学士(Bachelor of Laws)---
法学学士(毕业准入)(Bachelor of Laws – Graduate Entry)---
法律学士(Bachelor of Laws)---
海洋与淡水生物学理学学士(Bachelor of Science (Marine and Freshwater Biology))---
特殊教育研究生证书课程(Graduate Certificate of Education (Special Education: Complex Communication Needs))---
犯罪与司法学士(Bachelor of Criminology and Justice)---
犯罪学与司法副学士(Associate Degree in Criminology and Justice)---
犯罪学与司法学士(Bachelor of Criminology and Justice)---
环境管理理学学士(Bachelor of Science (Environmental Management))---
环境管理研究理学硕士(Master of Science (Environmental Management) by Research)---
现代艺术学士(Bachelor of Contemporary Arts)---
理学学士(Bachelor of Science)---
理学学士-商学学士双学位项目(Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Business)---
理科文凭课程(健康研究)(第一年)(Diploma of Science (Health Studies)(Year 1))---
理科文凭课程(健康研究)(第二年)(Diploma of Science (Health Studies)(Year 2))---
理科文凭课程(工科研究)(第一年)(Diploma of Science (Engineering Studies)(Year 1))---
理科文凭课程(工科研究)(第二年)(Diploma of Science (Engineering Studies)(Year 2))---
理科文凭课程(计算/信息技术)(第一年)(Diploma of Science (Computing/IT)(Year 1))---
理科文凭课程(计算/信息技术)(第二年)(Diploma of Science (Computing/IT)(Year 2))---
生物保护与野生生物学理学学士(Bachelor of Science (Conservation and Wildlife Biology))---
生物医学理学学士(Bachelor of Science (Biomedical Science))---
生物科学理学学士(Bachelor of Science (Biological Sciences))---
生物科学研究理学硕士(Master of Science (Biological Sciences) by Research)---
电力工程学士(Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical Power) Honours)---
电子与计算机系统学士(Bachelor of Technology (Electronic and Computer Systems))---
电子与通信工程学士(Bachelor of Engineering (Electronics and Communications) Honours)---
社会工作学士(Bachelor of Social work)---
社会科学学士(Bachelor of Social Science)---
社会科学硕士(Master of Social Science by Research)---
管理信息系统硕士(Master of Management Information Systems)---
网络安全理学学士(Bachelor of Science (Cyber Security))---
网络安全研究生文凭课程(Graduate Diploma of Cyber Security)---
网络安全研究生证书课程(Graduate Certificate of Cyber Security)---
网络安全硕士(Master of Cyber Security)---
职业疗法理学学士(Bachelor of Science (Occupational Therapy))---
舞蹈学士(Bachelor of Arts (Dance))---
艺术管理学士(Bachelor of Arts (Arts Management))---
荧屏研究硕士(Master of Screen Studies)---
荧幕研究硕士(Master of Screen Studies)---
药学理学学士(Bachelor of Science (Paramedical Science))---
表演学士(Bachelor of Arts (Acting))---
表演艺术学士(Bachelor of Performing Arts)---
表演艺术硕士(Master of Arts (Performing Arts) by Research)---
规划学士(Bachelor of Planning)---
计算机反恐安全与情报学士(Bachelor of Counter Terrorism Security and Intelligence)---
计算机科学学士(Bachelor of Computer Science)---
计算机科学研究硕士(Master of Computer Science by Research)---
计算机科学硕士(Master of Computer Science)---
计算机系统学士(Bachelor of Engineering (Computer Systems) Honours)---
计算机系统工程荣誉学士-计算机科学学士双学位项目(Bachelor of Engineering (Computer Systems) Honours/Bachelor of Computer Science)---
设计学士(Bachelor of Design)---
设计硕士(Master of Design)---
语言病理学士(Bachelor of Speech Pathology)---
赛车工程学士(Bachelor of Technology (Motorsports))---
跨学科研究硕士(Master of Science (Interdisciplinary Studies) by Research)---
运动与体育科学理学学士(Bachelor of Science (Exercise and Sports Science))---
运动科学与修复理学学士(Bachelor of Science (Exercise Science and Rehabilitation))---
酒店与旅游管理学士(Bachelor of Hospitality and Tourism Management)---
酒店和旅游管理学士(Bachelor of Hospitality and Tourism Management)---
酒店管理文凭课程(第一年)(Diploma of Hotel Management(Year 1))---
酒店管理文凭课程(第二年)(Diploma of Hotel Management(Year 2))---
金融与银行硕士(Master of Finance and Banking)---
青年工作学士(Bachelor of Youth work)---
音乐剧学士(Bachelor of Arts (Music Theatre))---
音乐学士(Bachelor of Music)---
音乐研究生文凭课程(Graduate Diploma of Music)---
项目管理硕士(Master of Project Management)---
飞行学士(Bachelor of aviation)---
体育、休闲与会展管理学士(Bachelor of Sport, Recreation and Event Management)本科商科36个月
商学士(Bachelor of Commerce)本科商科36个月
商学学士(Bachelor of Business)本科商科36个月
国际酒店与度假区管理学士(Bachelor of International Hotel and Resort Management)本科商科36个月
市场营销、广告与公共关系学士(Bachelor of Marketing, Advertising and Public Relations)本科商科36个月
法学学士(毕业准入)(Bachelor of Laws – Graduate Entry)本科商科36个月
酒店与旅游管理学士(Bachelor of Hospitality and Tourism Management)本科商科36个月
酒店和旅游管理学士(Bachelor of Hospitality and Tourism Management)本科商科36个月
法学学士(Bachelor of Laws)本科商科48个月
理学学士-商学学士双学位项目(Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Business)本科商科48个月
规划学士(Bachelor of Planning)本科商科48个月
法学-商学双学位(Bachelor of Laws/Bachelor of Business)本科商科60个月
商学研究硕士(Master of Business by Research)硕士商科18个月
工商管理硕士(Master of Business Administration)硕士商科18个月
专业会计硕士(Master of Professional Accounting)硕士商科24个月
人力资源管理硕士(Master of Human Resource Management)硕士商科24个月
会计硕士(Master of Professional Accounting)硕士商科24个月
国际工商管理硕士(Master of Business Administration International)硕士商科24个月
国际酒店管理硕士(Master of International Hospitality Management)硕士商科24个月
市场营销与创新管理硕士(Master of Marketing and Innovation Management)硕士商科24个月
管理信息系统硕士(Master of Management Information Systems)硕士商科24个月
金融与银行硕士(Master of Finance and Banking)硕士商科24个月
项目管理硕士(Master of Project Management)硕士商科24个月
商学研究生证书课程(Graduate Certificate of Business)硕士商科6个月
商科文凭课程(第一年)( Diploma of Business(Year 1))文凭课程商科8个月
商科文凭课程(第二年)( Diploma of Business(Year 2))文凭课程商科8个月
酒店管理文凭课程(第一年)(Diploma of Hotel Management(Year 1))文凭课程商科8个月
酒店管理文凭课程(第二年)(Diploma of Hotel Management(Year 2))文凭课程商科8个月
工程学士(Bachelor of Technology (Engineering))本科工科36个月
工程科学学士(Bachelor of Engineering Science)本科工科36个月
电子与计算机系统学士(Bachelor of Technology (Electronic and Computer Systems))本科工科36个月
赛车工程学士(Bachelor of Technology (Motorsports))本科工科36个月
飞行学士(Bachelor of aviation)本科工科36个月
仪器、控制与自动化工程学士(Bachelor of Engineering (Instrumentation, Control and automation) Honours)本科工科48个月
化学工程荣誉学士(Bachelor of Engineering (Chemical) Honours)本科工科48个月
土木与环境工程学士(Bachelor of Engineering (Civil and Environmental) Honours)本科工科48个月
土木工程学士(Bachelor of Engineering (Civil) Honours)本科工科48个月
机械工程荣誉学士(Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical) Honours)本科工科48个月
机电工程学士(Bachelor of Engineering (Mechatronics) Honours)本科工科48个月
电力工程学士(Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical Power) Honours)本科工科48个月
电子与通信工程学士(Bachelor of Engineering (Electronics and Communications) Honours)本科工科48个月
计算机系统学士(Bachelor of Engineering (Computer Systems) Honours)本科工科48个月
工程荣誉学士-商学学士双学位项目(Bachelor of Engineering Honours/Bachelor of Business)本科工科60个月
工程荣誉学士-理学学士双学位项目(Bachelor of Engineering Honours/Bachelor of Science)本科工科60个月
机电工程荣誉学士-赛车工程技术学士双学位项目(Bachelor of Engineering (Mechatronics) Honours/Bachelor of Technology(Motorsports))本科工科60个月
计算机系统工程荣誉学士-计算机科学学士双学位项目(Bachelor of Engineering (Computer Systems) Honours/Bachelor of Computer Science)本科工科60个月
工程荣誉学士-法学学士双学位项目(Bachelor of Engineering Honours/Bachelor of Laws)本科工科72个月
工程硕士(Master of Engineering)硕士工科24个月
工程科学研究硕士(Master of Engineering Science by Research)硕士工科24个月
中学师范教育学士(Bachelor of Education (Secondary))本科教育与师范48个月
小学师范教育学士(Bachelor of Education (Primary))本科教育与师范48个月
早期师范教育学士(Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood Studies))本科教育与师范48个月
中学师范教育研究生文凭课程(Graduate Diploma of Education (Secondary))硕士教育与师范12个月
小学师范教育研究生文凭课程(Graduate Diploma of Education (Primary))硕士教育与师范12个月
早期师范教育研究生文凭课程(Graduate Diploma of Education (Early Childhood Studies))硕士教育与师范12个月
教育硕士-授课型(Master of Education)硕士教育与师范18个月
教育硕士-研究型(Master of Education by Research)硕士教育与师范18个月
教育领导研究生证书课程(Graduate Certificate of Education in Educational Leadership)硕士教育与师范6个月
特殊教育研究生证书课程(Graduate Certificate of Education (Special Education: Complex Communication Needs))硕士教育与师范6个月
信息技术学士(Bachelor of Information Technology)本科理科36个月
可持续发展学士(Bachelor of Sustainability)本科理科36个月
安全理学学士(Bachelor of Science (Security))本科理科36个月
心理学理科学士(Bachelor of Science (Psychology))本科理科36个月
海洋与淡水生物学理学学士(Bachelor of Science (Marine and Freshwater Biology))本科理科36个月
环境管理理学学士(Bachelor of Science (Environmental Management))本科理科36个月
理学学士(Bachelor of Science)本科理科36个月
生物保护与野生生物学理学学士(Bachelor of Science (Conservation and Wildlife Biology))本科理科36个月
生物科学理学学士(Bachelor of Science (Biological Sciences))本科理科36个月
网络安全理学学士(Bachelor of Science (Cyber Security))本科理科36个月
计算机反恐安全与情报学士(Bachelor of Counter Terrorism Security and Intelligence)本科理科36个月
计算机科学学士(Bachelor of Computer Science)本科理科36个月
信息服务研究生文凭课程(Graduate Diploma of Science (Information Services))硕士理科12个月
网络安全研究生文凭课程(Graduate Diploma of Cyber Security)硕士理科12个月
信息技术硕士(Master of Information Technology)硕士理科18个月
数字取证硕士(Master of Digital Forensics)硕士理科18个月
化学研究理学硕士(Master of Science (Chemistry) by Research)硕士理科24个月
数学和规划研究硕士(Master of Science (Mathematics and Planning) by Research)硕士理科24个月
环境管理研究理学硕士(Master of Science (Environmental Management) by Research)硕士理科24个月
生物科学研究理学硕士(Master of Science (Biological Sciences) by Research)硕士理科24个月
网络安全硕士(Master of Cyber Security)硕士理科24个月
计算机科学研究硕士(Master of Computer Science by Research)硕士理科24个月
计算机科学硕士(Master of Computer Science)硕士理科24个月
跨学科研究硕士(Master of Science (Interdisciplinary Studies) by Research)硕士理科24个月
网络安全研究生证书课程(Graduate Certificate of Cyber Security)硕士理科6个月
信息技术博士(Doctor of Information Technology)博士理科36个月
理科文凭课程(健康研究)(第一年)(Diploma of Science (Health Studies)(Year 1))文凭课程理科8个月
理科文凭课程(健康研究)(第二年)(Diploma of Science (Health Studies)(Year 2))文凭课程理科8个月
理科文凭课程(工科研究)(第一年)(Diploma of Science (Engineering Studies)(Year 1))文凭课程理科8个月
理科文凭课程(工科研究)(第二年)(Diploma of Science (Engineering Studies)(Year 2))文凭课程理科8个月
理科文凭课程(计算/信息技术)(第一年)(Diploma of Science (Computing/IT)(Year 1))文凭课程理科8个月
理科文凭课程(计算/信息技术)(第二年)(Diploma of Science (Computing/IT)(Year 2))文凭课程理科8个月
体育科学与足球理学学士(Bachelor of Science (Sports Science and Football))本科生命科学与医学36个月
健康科学学士(Bachelor of Health Science)本科生命科学与医学36个月
医学科学学士(Bachelor of Medical Science)本科生命科学与医学36个月
护理理学学士(Bachelor of Science (Nursing))本科生命科学与医学36个月
护理研究理学学士(Bachelor of Science (Nursing Studies))本科生命科学与医学36个月
生物医学理学学士(Bachelor of Science (Biomedical Science))本科生命科学与医学36个月
药学理学学士(Bachelor of Science (Paramedical Science))本科生命科学与医学36个月
运动与体育科学理学学士(Bachelor of Science (Exercise and Sports Science))本科生命科学与医学36个月
职业疗法理学学士(Bachelor of Science (Occupational Therapy))本科生命科学与医学48个月
语言病理学士(Bachelor of Speech Pathology)本科生命科学与医学48个月
运动科学与修复理学学士(Bachelor of Science (Exercise Science and Rehabilitation))本科生命科学与医学48个月
公共卫生研究生文凭课程(Graduate Diploma of Public Health)硕士生命科学与医学12个月
护理硕士(Master of Nursing)硕士生命科学与医学18个月
人体生物学研究硕士(Master of Science (Human Biology) by Research)硕士生命科学与医学24个月
体育科学研究硕士(Master of Science (Sports Science) by Research)硕士生命科学与医学24个月
公共卫生研究硕士(Master of Public Health by Research)硕士生命科学与医学24个月
公共卫生硕士(Master of Public Health)硕士生命科学与医学24个月
助产研究硕士(Master of Midwifery (Research))硕士生命科学与医学24个月
医学与药学硕士(Master of Paramedical Science)硕士生命科学与医学24个月
咨询与心理疗法硕士(Master of Counselling and Psychotherapy)硕士生命科学与医学24个月
心理学硕士(Master of Psychology)硕士生命科学与医学24个月
护理研究硕士(Master of Nursing (Research))硕士生命科学与医学24个月
健康科学博士-临床领导与管理(Doctor of Health Science (Clinical Leadership and Management))博士生命科学与医学36个月
犯罪学与司法副学士(Associate Degree in Criminology and Justice)本科社科24个月
心理学、犯罪学与司法文学学士(Bachelor of arts (Psychology, Criminology and Justice))本科社科36个月
心理学学士(Bachelor of Psychological Science)本科社科36个月
法医调查学士(Bachelor of Forensic Investigation)本科社科36个月
犯罪学与司法学士(Bachelor of Criminology and Justice)本科社科36个月
社会科学学士(Bachelor of Social Science)本科社科36个月
青年工作学士(Bachelor of Youth work)本科社科36个月
法律学士(Bachelor of Laws)本科社科48个月
社会工作学士(Bachelor of Social work)本科社科48个月
法学-心理学双学位(Bachelor of Laws/Bachelor of Psychological Science)本科社科60个月
法学士/商学士(Bachelor of Laws/Bachelor of Commerce)本科社科60个月
法学士/心理学学士(Bachelor of Laws/Bachelor of Psychological Science)本科社科60个月
专业传播学士(Master of Professional Communications)硕士社科24个月
咨询与心理疗法硕士(Master of Counselling and Psychotherapy)硕士社科24个月
心理学硕士(Master of Psychology)硕士社科24个月
传媒学士(Bachelor of Media and Communications)本科艺术与人文36个月
咨询学士(Bachelor of Counselling)本科艺术与人文36个月
媒体和传播学士(Bachelor of Media and Communications)本科艺术与人文36个月
当代艺术学士(Bachelor of Contemporary arts)本科艺术与人文36个月
心理与咨询文学学士(Bachelor of arts (Psychology and Counselling))本科艺术与人文36个月
心理与成瘾研究文学学士(Bachelor of arts (Psychology and addiction Studies))本科艺术与人文36个月
心理与成瘾研究文学学士(Bachelor of Arts(Psychology and Addiction Studies))本科艺术与人文36个月
心理学文学学士(Bachelor of arts (Psychology))本科艺术与人文36个月
心理学文科学士(Bachelor of Arts (Psychology))本科艺术与人文36个月
心理学理学学士(Bachelor of Science (Psychology))本科艺术与人文36个月
心理科学学士(Bachelor of Psychological Science)本科艺术与人文36个月
文学学士(Bachelor of arts)本科艺术与人文36个月
犯罪与司法学士(Bachelor of Criminology and Justice)本科艺术与人文36个月
现代艺术学士(Bachelor of Contemporary Arts)本科艺术与人文36个月
舞蹈学士(Bachelor of Arts (Dance))本科艺术与人文36个月
艺术管理学士(Bachelor of Arts (Arts Management))本科艺术与人文36个月
表演学士(Bachelor of Arts (Acting))本科艺术与人文36个月
表演艺术学士(Bachelor of Performing Arts)本科艺术与人文36个月
设计学士(Bachelor of Design)本科艺术与人文36个月
音乐剧学士(Bachelor of Arts (Music Theatre))本科艺术与人文36个月
商学学士-心理学文学学士双学位项目(Bachelor of Business/Bachelor of arts (Psychology))本科艺术与人文48个月
文学-商学双学位(Bachelor of arts/Bachelor of Business)本科艺术与人文48个月
文学-媒体和传播学双学位(Bachelor of arts/Bachelor of Media and Communications)本科艺术与人文48个月
文学-理学双学位(Bachelor of arts/Bachelor of Science)本科艺术与人文48个月
文学士(双学位)(Bachelor of Arts(double))本科艺术与人文48个月
音乐学士(Bachelor of Music)本科艺术与人文48个月
广播研究生文凭课程(Graduate Diploma of Broadcasting)硕士艺术与人文12个月
社会科学硕士(Master of Social Science by Research)硕士艺术与人文12个月
音乐研究生文凭课程(Graduate Diploma of Music)硕士艺术与人文12个月
刑事司法研究硕士(Master of Criminal Justice by Research)硕士艺术与人文18个月
荧屏研究硕士(Master of Screen Studies)硕士艺术与人文18个月
荧幕研究硕士(Master of Screen Studies)硕士艺术与人文18个月
设计硕士(Master of Design)硕士艺术与人文18个月
传播硕士(Master of Professional Communications)硕士艺术与人文24个月
文学研究硕士(Master of Arts by Research)硕士艺术与人文24个月
表演艺术硕士(Master of Arts (Performing Arts) by Research)硕士艺术与人文24个月
哲学博士(Doctor of Philosophy)硕士艺术与人文36个月
哲学博士(综合)(Doctor of Philosophy (Integrated))硕士艺术与人文48个月
广播研究生证书课程(Graduate Certificate in Broadcasting (Radio))硕士艺术与人文6个月
传播和创意产业文凭课程(第一年)(Diploma of Communications and Creative Industries(Year 1))文凭课程艺术与人文8个月
传播和创意产业文凭课程(第二年)(Diploma of Communications and Creative Industries(Year 2))文凭课程艺术与人文8个月




优势专业: 传媒 商科 计算机安全 工程技术




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