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环球雅思英语四级作文 12月英语四级作文真题范文

2024-01-17 06:21:58 | 金泉留学网

环球雅思英语四级作文 12月英语四级作文真题范文相关内容,小编在这里做了整理,希望能对大家有所帮助,关于环球雅思英语四级作文 12月英语四级作文真题范文信息,一起来了解一下吧!


环球雅思英语四级作文 12月英语四级作文真题范文


(一)University Students’ Pursuit of Famous

1. 现在很多大学生都追求穿,用

2. 你对这种现象的看法

● 审题概述●



University Students’ Pursuit of Famous Brands

“What perfumes are you wearing?” “Aren’t your shoes Nike’s latest release?” “I like the Mickey bag you bought yesterday.” “I hear the Jack & Jones store is on sale this week. Do you wanna come along?” Don’t feel surprised if you hear them coming out of the mouth of college students. It’s quite common to hear and see college students swapping information about the brands they like and the products they use. In fact, discussions about brand names have become one of the college students’ favourite pastimes. They learn about the latest fashion from each other, exchange tips about when and where to get the item, and buy it at their earliest convenience. “Keeping up with the Joneses” is their conviction – “If the Joneses have it, how could I have not?”

About this current mindset of the college students, many people may hasten to show their disapproval. They’ll probably take it to be a reflection of the students’ vanity and superficiality. And they may lecture them on the virtue of being thrifty.

However, I beg to differ. For one thing, name-brand products are usually quality products. As such, they are something beautiful, endurable, and reliable. “The love of beauty is common to all,” goes the proverb; therefore, there’s nothing to blame about the pursuit of famous brands. For the other, college students are old enough to make their own decisions. Likewise, they must abide by the consequences if they make an ill-advised one. If they let their pursuit of brands eat into their budget for other more important issues, they should be able to correct their mistakes and keep everything in moderation. So this becomes no other than a good chance to learn management, isn’t it?



(1)keeping up with the Joneses要在地位和物质上比得上周围的人


(3)vanity and superficiality虚荣心和面子观(肤浅、表面、浅薄) 金泉留学网



(1)abide by the consequences自食其果


(3)in moderation适度、不过分

(二)Knowledge and Diploma

1. 目前社会上存在这样一种说法:文凭越高越吃香

2. 而有些人则认为文凭不等于知识

3. 你的观点

● 审题概述●



Knowledge and Diploma

It is generally believed that a high diploma guarantees a promising future. Some people identify high diplomas with profound knowledge and exceptional competence. Companies also tend to emphasize the academic achievement of a job candidate. Like it or not, there does exist a social reality – the higher diplomas one gets, the more popular he becomes.

On the contrary, other people claim that a high diploma doesn’t automatically translate into knowledge. A diploma, in their eyes, is only the acknowledgment of one’s educational experience rather than a guarantee of one’s ability. Therefore, we can never measure the depth of one’s knowledge by the grade of one’s diploma. Besides, many knowledgeable people don’t have a high diploma. Take Bill Gates for example. His dropping out of college cannot deny the fact that he is one of the world’s most learned men.

So I must say no one should ever equate a diploma with knowledge, because a diploma is nothing but a proof of a short-term study while genuine knowledge needs one’s lifelong devotion.



job candidate求职者、应聘者






(1)equate a diploma with knowledge 把文凭与知识划等号

(2)nothing but a proof of a short-term study只是短期学习的证明

(三)The Rise of Shanzhai Culture

1. 最近兴起了一股“山寨热”

2. 你如何看待山寨现象

● 审题概述●



The Rise of Shanzhai Culture

The vast array of knockoff name-brand products, such as cell phones, DVDs, MP3 players, have made “shanzhai” the hottest word of the year. Now we wear shanzhai watches, talk through shanzhai cell phones, play shanzhai video games, use shanzhai computers, even watch shanzhai TV shows. Once a term used before some electronic products to suggest a copycat version of inferior quality, shanzhai now suggests to many Chinese creativity and trendiness. With the media all over the rise of shanzhai culture, public opinions are clearly divided.

Advocates invariably associate it with innovation, stylishness, the DIY spirit, open-mindedness and practicality, as shanzhai products often mix imitation with innovation – a similar skin but a different heart. The end products are usually more functional and much cheaper than the original. Besides, they respond to the market more swiftly and they are more considerate in design. Thanks to them, more people at the grassroots level can enjoy the benefit of modern technology.

However, other people, including myself, hold more reserved attitudes towards the shanzhai fever. For all the popularity it has won, a copycat is a copycat. The mockery of the prestige products not only steals their profits but also upsets market competition. Moreover, shanzhai products thrive on the current legal loopholes. Under the disguise of anti-dominance slogans, they make illegal profits by violating intellectual property rights and evading taxes. And to top it off, the so-called innovation is only senseless talk as true innovation always faces huge costs and potential failures, while plagiarism simply builds success on other people’s risks.



…public opinions are clearly divided此句起承上启下的作用



(1)mix imitation with innovation混淆模仿与创新

(2)respond to the market对市场做出反应



(1)The mockery of the prestige products拙劣地模仿

(2)thrive on茁壮成长、蓬勃发展、繁荣

(3)legal loopholes法律漏洞(空子)

(4)Under the disguise of anti-dominance slogans在反垄断口号的伪装下

(5)violating intellectual property rights违反知识产权

(6)evading taxes逃税


环球雅思英语四级作文 12月英语四级作文真题范文


下文是2022年6月英语四级第二套作文 部分的真题及答案,在找相关资讯的朋友看看这篇文章吧!下面是我为大家整理的“2022年6月英语四级作文部分真题及答案(第二套)”,此文本仅供参考欢迎阅读。





Write proposals for the service of StudentsUnionl/The Federa-tion of Students


Dear President,

I hope you are doing great!l am Li Ming,one of the sophomore students in our university.I saw that our Student Union posted a notice collecting advice about enriching extracurricular activ-ities, soI am writing this letter to make some suggestions.

First, could you organize more sports activities? Now, there is only one annual school-wide sports meet, and I believe both the variety and the frequency of such events can be increased. Second, it might be a good idea for our students to engage in more social activities which can broaden their horizons and im-prove their sense of responsibilities. The Student Union can re-cruit volunteers to aid rural Project Hope primary schools,go to nursing homes to visit elderly people, and raise funds to help disadvantaged groups.Besides, I suggest that more distin-guished experts and scholars in distinct fields be invited to de-liver speeches to our students.Last year,the Student Union or-ganized a couple of forums and lectures, which received wide acclaim from both students and teachers in our school.

Thank you for your time, and I believe our Student Union will play in bigger role in enriching our students'mind by organiz-ing colorful and diversified extracurricular activities.

Warm regards,

Li Ming

环球雅思英语四级作文 12月英语四级作文真题范文


一、2019年12月 英语四级作文真题

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a letter to a foreign friend who wants to teach English in China. Please recommend a city to him. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.


Hi Mark,

I'm so glad that you have made up your mind to teach English in China. Before you make a decision about your precise destination, let me introduce my hometown, Chongqing.

Located in southwest China, Chongqing may not enjoy worldwide fame as much as Beijing or Shanghai, but it is a thriving metropolis with lower cost of living. Working and living here, you can achieve your career goals without feeling too much stress. The locals are known for being warm and hospitable, and you can teach in a way that feels good for you. To be sure, teaching a foreign language in a city where residents speak a dialect all the time can be very challenging. It takes time indeed to correct pronunciation mistakes each student makes. But since you are always praised for your kindness and patience, it should hardly be an obstacle for you.

Anyway, I will support and help you as much as possible, whichever city you go to. I believe living and teaching in China will be a pleasant and memorable experience for you.

Best wishes,

Li Ming

2019年12月英语四级作文真题范文小编就说到这里了,更多关于 大学英语四级考试 的备考技巧,备考干货,新闻资讯,成绩查询,准考证打印入口,准考证打印时间等内容,小编会持续更新。祝愿各位考生都能认真备考,顺利通过考试。

以上是小编为大家分享的关于 2019年12月英语四级作文真题范文 的相关内容,更多信息可以关注 环球青藤 分享更多干货

以上就是环球雅思英语四级作文 12月英语四级作文真题范文全部内容了,了解更多相关信息,关注金泉留学网。
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