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Forest Lodge Public School录取条件(学校介绍)

2024-01-15 00:07:03 | 金泉留学网

今天金泉留学网小编整理了Forest Lodge Public School录取条件(学校介绍)相关信息,希望在这方面能够更好的大家。

Forest Lodge Public School录取条件(学校介绍)

一、Forest Lodge Public School概况

Forest Lodge Public School院校介绍

  Forest Lodge values the cultural and socio-economic diversity of its community. It has enjoyed a reputation for producing high academic results together with excellence in visual and performing arts. Our ethos emphasises caring for individual needs.

Forest Lodge Public School录取条件(学校介绍)

  Forest Lodge School was established in 1883. The school values the cultural and socio-economic diversity of its community. For many years Forest Lodge has enjoyed a reputation for producing high academic results together with excellence in visual and performing arts. It is also proud of its reputation for strong and caring support of student welfare needs. The school and the community hold high expectations of student learning and behaviour. Our school ethos places emphasis on caring for individual needs in a safe, active and high-interest learning environment.

  Before & After school care & Vacation care

  There is an on-site facility to care for students before and after school as well as during vacation periods. This independently operated service is the Forest Lodge After School Care Association (FLASCA). All details of their enrolment procedures, availability of places and costs can be found by ringing 9660 4334.

  FLASCA offers before school care from 7:00am to 9am, after school care from 3pm to 6pm and vacation care 8:00am to 6:00pm (school holidays only).

  There are vacancies in before school care for current students and on some days in after school care (waiting list on other days).

  P and C

  Forest Lodge has an interested and involved parent body. Community involvement includes the school's Parents and Citizen's Association (P&C)

  The P&C actively works throughout the year to assist the school.

  Parent reading helpers assist in classrooms throughout the school. P&C meetings are held monthly and issues raised cover all aspects of schooling from curriculum delivery, school policies, programs and planning, to fundraising and other practical help.

  P&C fundraising initiatives raise more than $25,000 annually. These funds are used to support annual targets set jointly by staff and parents and include purchasing of teaching and learning resources, subsidising special programs for students and staff training and development initiatives.


  Primary learning includes whole-class, group and individual activities designed to develop an inquiring mind and teach basic learning skills needed for schooling and later life.

  Literacy and numeracy are the building blocks of learning and that is why English and mathematics take up half of students' learning time in primary school.

  Kindergarten to Year 6 focuses on six key learning areas:



  science and technology

  human society and its environment

  personal development, health and physical education

  creative arts金泉留学网

  Primary school in NSW follows a curriculum based on stages of learning. Each stage is approximately equivalent to two school years. For each learning stage there are skills, knowledge and a level of understanding that each student should develop.

Forest Lodge Public School录取条件(学校介绍)

二、Forest Lodge Public School录取要求


以上就是金泉留学网小编给大家带来的Forest Lodge Public School录取条件(学校介绍)全部内容,希望对大家有所帮助!
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