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Chester Hill High School录取条件(学校介绍)

2024-01-14 03:26:45 | 金泉留学网

今天金泉留学网小编整理了Chester Hill High School录取条件(学校介绍)相关信息,希望在这方面能够更好的大家。

Chester Hill High School录取条件(学校介绍)

一、Chester Hill High School概况

Chester Hill High School院校介绍

  Chester Hill High School (CHHS) is situated south west of Sydney in the Fairfield District. Established in 1962, Chester Hill High School is a comprehensive co-educational high school with an Intensive English Centre included as part of the school. CHHS attracts many students from outside of the local area, due to the harmonious multicultural environment, strong welfare programs and the focus on high academic achievement. Chester Hill High School is proud of its reputation as a leader in teaching and learning programs, student welfare programs and its strong links to its diverse and multicultural community. During the year the school has revised its purpose and beliefs to reflect its future directions. The purpose of Chester Hill High School is to develop effective learners and positive citizens in a caring and harmonious environment.

Chester Hill High School录取条件(学校介绍)

  Chester Hill High School (CHHS) is situated south west of Sydney in the Fairfield District. Established in 1962, Chester Hill High School is a comprehensive co-educational high school with an Intensive English Centre included as part of the school. CHHS attracts many students from outside of the local area, due to the harmonious multicultural environment, strong welfare programs and the focus on high academic achievement. Chester Hill High School is proud of its reputation as a leader in teaching and learning programs, student welfare programs and its strong links to its diverse and multicultural community. During the year the school has revised its purpose and beliefs to reflect its future directions. The purpose of Chester Hill High School is to develop effective learners and positive citizens in a caring and harmonious environment.

  The introduction of our Positive Behaviour for Learning Program (PB4L) in 2008 has focused on our key values: Safety, Respect, Learning, Belonging This is a whole school and IEC project and the values are displayed in every classroom and are used in our discussions with students and parents in welfare and discipline interviews. PB4L is supported by all staff and all staff are involved in teaching explicit lessons around these values. Our staff, parents and students are proud of the highly developed welfare system which is reflected bythe cohesive nature of the school community. In addition to our School Council and Parents and Citizens group, which meet every month, we have ATSI, Arabic, Pacifica, Karen and Vietnamese parent groups which are well attended and meet each term. All parent groups are consulted and involved in the decision making process for our school plan and school evaluation.

Chester Hill High School录取条件(学校介绍)

二、Chester Hill High School录取要求



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