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2024-01-03 11:20:16 | 金泉留学网








Personal Statement

China is a country that pays so much attention and emphasis on education. Elementary School for a starter, following the Junior Middle School, Senior Middle School, College, Graduate School and etc., every student must receive a series of strict and systematic academic training before he really can be put to good use in society. Children’s education plays a very important role in family life too. Parents put so much expectation on their children, and give all they can to shape their children prodigies. Expectation is a two-edged sword: on the one hand, it brings students a strong backup and good surrounding for study that their parents never had; but on the other hand, expectation also means much pressure and rigor. Meanwhile, the pressure does not only come from the family. The competition within schools is so intense that every entering a higher school is like a war – fighting for the opportunities to enter best schools. In the last eleven years, I have been growing under such a background.

When I was at the age about to enter elementary school, like all the parents under the sun, my mom and dad believed that I deserved the very best from the beginning. So they worked so hard on getting me into the best elementary school of the city. But unfortunately, due to the entering-the-nearest-school rule for primary school prospective students, I finally got into the one that was two blocks away from our house – a mediocre elementary school. To mom and dad, it was all along a big pity that I couldn’t have the best education. But deep in my mind I decided to make up their regret with my own working. So, early since I firstly entered school, I have taken education more seriously than most of my peers. I studied so hard, looking forward to increasing my knowledge, expanding my view of the world and getting more and more mature. Six years quickly disappeared into history. I soon found myself standing in front of another turning point. I made my determination to open myself the best middle school’s gate.

However, sometimes determination doesn’t always turn out the best result. My knocking didn’t get the most desired answer I was expecting. Again, I missed the chance to enter the best school in our city. However, instead of getting disappointed this time, mom and dad even felt delighted because though it was not the best, the Junior Middle School that admitted me was also a considerably renowned one. Yet I still haven’t got very satisfied about the result. During the three years in Junior Middle School, I never slowed down my steps to pursue my aim.

My determination pushed me to seek the best in everything I do, whether in academic studies or other aspects of life. I remember the time I got myself into a dilemma. Because of my outstanding trumpet skill, I took the position of chief trumpet player in school orchestra. So I had to keep a well-balanced connection between study and music. But at the end of one semester when I was tensely preparing for the finals, I suddenly received the notification from the orchestra for a big performance, which means I had to spend much time on rehearsal and practicing for my own solo. The two things seemed so conflictive that both mom and dad advised me to give up the performance. But I wanted the performance to be good as much as my academic record. I accepted to make the performance without hesitation. For a whole month, I almost wanted to divide every minute into two. I clutched every second in the daytime to work on my school courses because the trumpet score was waiting for me in the night. In order not to annoy neighbors, I closed myself into the small toilet of our house. It was in summer, the small closed space was so hot and fuggy. My body got totally wet with sweats every time I finished the practicing. After one month, I did very well in both the examination and performance, with the cost of a couple of kilograms’ weight drop. With a determination like that, after the completion of Junior Middle School, I finally got admitted by one of the top middle schools of our city.

I aspire to study Biochemistry in my undergraduate years and become a scientist specialized in biochemical sciences. Honestly, my first encounter with this subject was not a very pleasant memory. When I was very young, I watched a movie “The 731 Army” which tells of the biochemical weapon research of Japanese Army in China during World War Two. In the movie, Japanese Army uses innocent villagers to test the biochemical weapon, the horrible vision deeply carved in my memory. Since then on, both that movie and biochemistry were an unspeakable taboo to me. But things got totally changed when I began to take chemistry study in middle school. I was suddenly captured by the great fascination of chemistry. Chemical experiment became my most favorite class. And only school studies could not satisfy my curiosity, I expanded my readings to many other sources. From the learning, my early fear of biochemistry was gone completely, because the more I read, the more I found it such a beautiful and useful subject for our human being. I know becoming a scientist in biochemical field will be a long and tiring process. But my determination gives me the confidence and courage to face any challenge and difficulty.


1、 写作的文风以及语言表达,是学校对申请人产生的第一印象,也是反映你个人魅力的一个途径之一。语言方面要体现出态度诚恳认真,不卑不亢。不用为自己的弱点道歉,譬如托福成绩不高等;也不要表现得过份自信,重要的是给学校一个专业的、认真的印象。如果非必需的话,尽可能避免政治方面的敏感话题,对于自己的国家也不必过于褒或者贬,爱国在任何情况下都不是一件坏事,但如果与写作题材无关,也无需过多累述。

2、 千万不要抄袭、改写书上的样本文章。应详读学校的介绍,了解其要求,再对自己的学业背景、计划加以考虑,写出有自己风格的文章。并且尽量避免用深奥的词汇,要以简单容易的文字来表达,并且注意一定不要离题,不要过多谈论一些不相干的事。

3、 检查英文的时态、性别及单复数等方面的错误,美国的学校不会期望外国学生的英文完美无缺,故陈述得清楚明白比十全十美的英文更重要,并且也无需一定让外教或者熟识的外国朋友修改,如果语言过于地道,而申请者并非生长在海外也无海外生活经历,则会显得你的申请材料有作假嫌疑,从而影响你的申请。

4、 详读学校的写作说明并了解问题的重点,不赘言,不遗漏,且在要求的字数内完成。例如:

学校要求五百字内完成(In 500 words or less discuss...),则全文最好不要超过五百字,否则有可能会在申请中出现无法提交的情况。

如果学校要求以问答方式来叙述(Responses to essay questions... . Please limit your response to on page.),则依其要求回答不超过一页,以免出现文章过于冗长而影响录取委员会审核。

5、 写作时应清楚明确。例如:

“I am interested in English literature.”这句话表达不够清楚,而“I was concentrated on Milton and Shakespeare in college.”就明白地说出了申请人的志趣及专研范围。

“I received extensive training in physics.”这句话不够详细,“My training was in the area of particle physics.”就具体多了。

“I was very active as a student representative.”最好说明曾经做什么:主办演讲、沟通学生与校方之间的意见等。

“I am attracted to your department by its brilliant faculty”——应说明对教授的认知是从何而来,如在何处读到某教授的文章而愿受教于他,或某位教授正在从事一项重要研究,与自己欲攻读的研究领域相同等;表达对所申请系所的课程、教师和特性有些了解,依学校不同而提及对某位任教于该校的教授、新课程或该校的某个学位感兴趣。

6、 不要用语意模糊的句子,例如:

“Your esteemed school”——应代以学校的名字;“I will return to serve my country.”——应明确说出所要从事的到底是什么工作。







其实,申请人为什么不“换位思考”,看看录取委员会想要什么呢?如果自己是录取委员会的一员,期待着学生的文书是什么样子?到底是一个宽泛的自述,还是针对专业的一个有针对性的个人表达?其实,个人陈述就是一个围绕专业的表达,录取委员会感兴趣的就是和专业有关的内容,至于其他的内容并不是他们所关心的。一个学习计算机的学生,他的计算能力和编程经验,录取委员会会非常感兴趣,至于他参加抗洪救灾没有,除非是他参与了抗洪救灾的计算机程序设计,录取委员就不会太感冒了。 金泉留学网


2. 写作内容上



3. 写作风格上

很多申请人在写个人陈述的过程中,希望“语不惊人死不休”,力求将申请文书写的完美,这一点本身没错,一篇优美的个人陈述,是能够给自己申请结果加上很多分数的。不过,英语有一句话叫做“Substance over form“,意思是内容重于形式,在阅读申请材料过程中,录取委员会其实也更注重申请人的实质性东西,希望看到申请人的专业水平和研究工作经历。而很多申请人却将大量的精力放到了如何使语言更优美的方向上去,用的单词生僻,读起来不能朗朗上口,这实际上是本末倒置,无法得到录取委员会的青睐。



接着来看看 个人陈述一般都写哪些内容。



要让admission看一眼就知道你递交申请的原因是啥,简单直接的表达会让你的application在多如牛毛的personal statement里成为一股清流,还省去大学招生办不少过滤废话的时间!

















deferredentry:有gap year的计划吗?如有,打算利用这一年完成什么事情?(记得要证明自己并没有荒废青春哦)已经过了gapyear?过去一年都做了什么事情/为自己的大学生活做了什么准备?




The Experience A couple years ago, I set a goal to purchase my first piece of real estate within three years of graduation from Harvard College. I realized this goal, two years and three months ahead of schedule when I closed on a charming one-bedroom condo in [lower Manhattan]. It was September 5th, 2001. Six days later, the world as I knew it changed when the World Trade Center towers collapsed, killing thousands, engulfing [lower Manhattan] in a cloud of debris, shattering apartment windows, and seeping signs of destruction in through my windows, onto my window sill, and all over my newly polished floors. I fled that day to the safety of [deleted] County and the security of my parent's house. Back at my parent's home I settled in front of the television. That day, I probably only moved from in front of the television twice. I was demoralized when the television provided the first glimpse of [lower Manhattan]. There sat my new home, encased in dust, surrounded by debris, and marred with shattered glass. A lot happened those first 24 hours in front of the television, prayers were said, thankfully prayers were answered, resolutions were made, and the most profound leadership experience of my life took shape.

The Leadership Role That day, while watching the news coverage, I vowed that I would move back to [lower Manhattan] and become part of the rebuilding effort. I have done this and more. Shortly after September 11th, I founded the [deleted] Association with three other residents (none of whom I knew prior to the disaster). We started out as a small Executive Steering Committee, concerned with assessing the immediate impact on the community, determining the safety of residents, confirming reoccupation dates for the displaced, and disseminating information. When the first wave of residents were allowed back into the neighborhood, the Steering Committee held a town hall meeting to assess the needs of residents and develop a rapport with the community that we had collectively pledged to help.

With time the scope and goals of our organization morphed to fit the needs of the community. In December of [deleted] I was appointed President of the [deleted] Association. With the majority of residents now back in their homes it was time for me to redefine the goals of the organization. Under my direction, the [deleted], lobbied public and government officials for economic relief, assisted the transition of residents back into the community, publicized the re-opening of businesses, secured resident access to the neighborhood past checkpoints, built strategic relationships with relief organizations, and provided transportation alternatives. Long-term, as President of the [deleted], I have been instrumental in the rebuilding of Lower Manhattan. On a daily basis I convey the visions, needs, and voices of residents to the public, offer solutions and assistance to solve the problems of residents, provide information and resources to the neighborhood, and sponsor activities that foster community spirit.

The Leadership Lessons Serving as President of the [deleted] Association has been a defining leadership experience for four distinct reasons. 1) This experience has taught me how to concurrently serve the needs of thousands of individuals and give representation to multiple contingencies often with conflicting agendas. Accomplishing this task has been harder than I could have ever imagined. Representing a community of 12,000 to the press, elected public officials, businesses, and public is a difficult exercise in negotiation. 2) My time as President has been instrumental in teaching me how to manage a multitude of commitments. My work with the [deleted] Association is time consuming but forces me to find innovative solutions to balance my commitment to the [deleted], with my professional career, extracurricular commitments, and personal aspirations. 3) This experience and my solid record of accomplishments has been powerful in confirming to myself that not only do I enjoy leading but that I am a successful leader. And in the true mark of a leader, I have discovered that I have the innate leadership qualities necessary to mobilize specific individuals and large amounts of people behind my vision. And 4) and perhaps more importantly than knowing that I have the ability to effectively deliver results, over the past year and a half, through countless triumphs, setbacks, failures, and successes, I have learned that a community wrought with tragedy—can recover.



我为大家介绍专家教你写留学个人陈述,希望对出国留学的同学有所帮助。想了解更多留学精彩内容,为你详细解答。   Introduction

Writing a good personal statement is an important part of any application to graduate or professional school. The personal statement not only shows the admissions committee that you can write an interesting, cohesive essay, but it also allows them to learn about you as a person. This is your chance to show them that you are more than just a list of grades and test scores; show them how you will contribute to the school and its community.

Supply the committee with unique information about yourself that does NOT appear elsewhere in your application. With thousands of applicants vying for a limited number of slots, you must make yourself stand out. As in any essay, it is crucial that you know your audience. A detailed list of professional goals that demonstrates determination, motivation, and, above all, careful thought, often enhances your application. While it should go without saying, your essay must employ grammar correctly. While proper grammar doesn't earn you points, sloppy grammar can be the kiss of death. Poor grammar suggests to the committee that you are a careless student who is not detail oriented. Needless to say, admissions officers value precision and attention to detail. Afterall, how many people will trust a sloppy, careless lawyer or engineer? While that making the leap from sloppy grammar to careless lawyer might seem far-fetched, countless admissions officers tell a different story.

This handout was written with the help of Alissa Irvin



Forecasting your goals for a career you've not even begun can prove a daunting task, but most admissions committees expect you to do just that. Remember that while they may expect you to complete this unwieldy task, no one is going to hold you to the goals you outline in your personal statement. In fact, committees are really just using this portion of your essay to gauge your motivation, knowledge of the field, and commitment to the course of study. Above all, they want to know that you have carefully considered your reasons for pursuing a graduate degree and the career it eventually makes possible. For many students, this is one of the most difficult portions of the essay to write. Before launching into this section (or any part of the essay, for that matter), you should take some time for self-reflection. Most committees are impressed by essays that express not only motivation and intelligence (your grades can show that as well), but also thoughfulness, maturity, and self-awareness.

This handout was written with the help of Pond Kittisuwan.



预测一个你还甚至没有开始的职业的目标可能有点困难,但是大部分录取人员都希望你在这个问题上尽力而为. 请记住,尽管他们要求你完成这个不切实际的任务,但是没有人会因为你在真实生活中不按照申请信中的目标发展而起诉你. 实际上, 录取方的真正意图是通过这个部分来衡量你的动机,专业知识,以及对所学课程的投入程度. 首先,他们想知道你是否已经认真考虑过为什么要攻读一个研究生的学位.


Unique Information

Unique information about yourself is an important part of your personal statement for Graduate and Professional Schools because for many committees this is their first (and perhaps only) chance to find about you as a person. This information should highlight your talents, interests, and accomplishments; it should also give life to your academic records. Though you want your personality to show in your statement, remember to keep the tone of the statement professional. Never include anything that could be misconstrued as offensive in any way. Keep in mind that humor is very difficult to pull off. Unless you are extremely confident (and have asked several people to read your essay), it may be best to steer clear of jokes and sarcasm.

The unique information in your statement should include an opening that will grab the reader's attention. Remember one of the main goals of this essay is to make yourself memorable to the committee. Consider beginning with a particular experience that relates to your career interests. But stay away from wild stories that bear little relevance to your career goals or other main points in the essay. While many applicants like to begin with a quotation, this is overused. Only take this strategy if the quotation is truly meaningful to you or ties in creatively with the rest of your essay. Be sure to include any relevant personal or work experiences, particularly if they do not appear elsewhere in your application. Somewhere in the essay, perhaps towards the end, you should consider pointing out why the specific institution is a good match for you.

This handout was written with the help of Landon Moore.

译: 与众不同的信息

无论申请研究生院还是商/法学院, 申请信中的关于申请者本人的与众不同的信息至关重要, 因为对于许多校方录取者而言, 申请信是把申请者作为一个"完人"来了解的第一个(也许是唯一的)机会. 这些信息应该能够提纲挈领地展示你的天赋,兴趣和成就; 同时也能够使你的那些成绩分数变得不再枯燥.尽管你想使申请信充满个性,但是请记住保持专业的行文风格.永远不要在文中包含任何可能被误会为冒犯性的内容. 请记住, 在申请信中使用幽默很难达到你想要的效果.除非你非常有把握(并且让其他人阅读过你的文章), 否则最好还是离那些笑话和讽刺远一些.

你的申请信中与众不同的信息应该包含一个能够吸引读者注意的开篇.请记住,这种文章的功能之一就是使你在在录取方心中留下印象. 你可以考虑在文章开头讲述一段与你的职业兴趣有关系的特殊经历. 但是请不要使用那些与职业目标或者文中其他重点没什么太大关系的荒诞故事. 很多申请者喜欢在文章开头引用名人名言,但是这种做法被滥用了.只有当所引用的话对你而言真正的有意义,或者与文章的其他部分巧妙而紧密地结合在一起, 你才这么做. 请一定要提到任何相关的个人信息或工作经验,特别是当这些信息不会在申请资料的其他地方出现. 在文中的某个地方, 最好在靠后一点的部分,你应该考虑说明一下为什么这个学校适合你.


Audience and Voice

It's important to keep your audience in mind as your write your personal essay. While the admissions committee appreciates creative essays, they also know all the tricks. After all, many of them have been reading thousands of applications for decades. So, make yourself stand out, but dont' write what you think the committee wants to hear. First of all, they've heard all that before. Second, they can see through your attempts to please. The most successful essays are those in which the author is honest and genuine. The best advice we can give you is simply to be yourself. That also means paying some attention to voice, or the personality behind your writing. You should not be afraid of using "I" in your personal statement. This essay should not be a dry, academic essay, but neither should it be one stand-up comic routine; instead, you should strive for a balance between the two. Admissions committees also complain that many students try excessively hard to create an entertaining voice or write what they deem sophisticated prose. Often, these attempts backfire, making the essay sound contrived and flowery. You can avoid these pitfalls simply by being yourself.

This handout was written with the help of Michael Nguyen.


在写作申请信时,您一定要时刻记住是谁在阅读您的文章. 录取委员会当然欣赏那些有创造力的文章, 但是他们也了解所有的小伎俩. 毕竟, 他们中的许多人在过去的数十年中已经阅读了成千上万份申请材料. 因此, 您应该使自己与众不同, 但是不要写一些你认为录取方想听的话. 首先, 他们都已经听过了. 其次, 他们能看穿您的取悦企图. 最成功的文章往往是那些诚实而真实的文章. 我们能给您的最好建议就是----做您自己. 这就意味着您应该注意文中的语气口吻, 以及文中刻画的人物性格. 您不应该害怕在申请信中使用"我"这第一人称. 申请信不能成为一篇枯燥的教条式的文章, 但更不能演化成一幕滑稽的闹剧; 相反, 您应该在这两个极端中取得一个平衡. 录取委员会的委员们抱怨道, 很多学生过分地试图在文中营造一种滑稽的气氛, 或者把申请信写成了一篇他们认为很不错的散文. 这种起反作用的试图常常使得文章看起来很做作, 华而不实. 其实您可以避免这些写作陷阱, 只要您简单地----做您自己.


The Difference between Professional Schools (Law, Business,Medical) and Graduate Schools:

While graduate school committees certainly expect well-written, thoughtful essays, they are looking for different content from their applicants. For graduate schools, that will likely be funding your education for the next 2-6 years, they want to know about your specific qualifications in your field. In other words, you should spend most of your essay explaining your interest, research experience, and disciplinary goals. Be sure that you research the school well to determine whether your interests align with those of a faculty member. Not only must you convince a committee that you are a qualified applicant, but you must also convince them (and probably also a particular professor) that your interests match the needs of the department; after all, they are about to invest a substantial amount of money and time in your education. With this in mind, limit the personal anecdotes and extracurricular interests to those that pertain directly to your field of interest or career goals.

This handout was written with the help of Michael Nguyen.



研究生院的录取委员会期待着看到有文采有思想的文章, 但同时他们在申请者身上寻找一些与众不同的东西. 对于研究生院而言, 他们将要在接下来的2至6年中资助您的学术生涯, 因此他们想了解您在您的研究领域中具体有什么过人之处. 换句话说, 您应该使用较大的篇幅阐述您的兴趣、研究经验、以及一直追求的目标. 一定要认真地调查以确保您的研究迎合了教授的兴趣. 您不仅要说服录取委员会相信您是一个合格的申请者, 而且您要说服他们(也许是其中某一个教授)相信您的研究兴趣符合系里的需要; 毕竟, 他们将要在您身上投资一大笔资金和大量的时间. 考虑到这些, 您应该少说一些您的生活经历和业余兴趣什么的, 多讲讲您感兴趣研究领域和职业目标等.



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留学生考试辅导记录怎么写 求留学申请文书个人陈述的写作内容?写作个人陈述的目的是什么?
留学生考试辅导记录怎么写 求留学申请文书个人陈述的写作内容?写作个人陈述的目的是什么?


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