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4月第三场雅思口语写作考试机经预测请收下 4月雅思口语题库来袭

2023-06-24 11:57:01 | 金泉留学网

伯克列预测 | 4月第三场雅思口语写作考试机经预测请收下!

4月第三次雅思口语作文考试机被预测了! 看预测的时候一定要自己练习,然后看思路分析哦。

一、写作-大作文1. When new town is planned,itismoreimportanttodeveloppublicparksandsportsfacilitiesthanshoppingcentersforpeopletospletospppled 金泉留学网

2. People have turned green spaces into gardens for growing fruit and vegetables. Is it a positive or negative development?

3. The only reason for people to work hard is to earn money. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

4. New technologies have changed the way children spend their free time. Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?

5. All fathers should be entitled to some time off from work after having a child. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

二.口语PART.011. T-shirt

1) Do you like wearing T-shirts?

2) How often do you wear T-shirts?

3) Do you like T-shirts with pictures or prints?

4) Do you think older people who wear T-shirts are fashionable?

5) Would you buy T-shirts as souvenirs on vacation?

2. Small business

1) Do you know many small businesses where you live?

2) Do you prefer buying things in big companies or small businesses?

3) Have you ever worked in small businesses?

4) Have you ever thought about starting your own business?

3. Library

1) Do you often go to library?

2) What do you usually do in the library?

3) Did you go to library when you were a kid?

4) Do Chinese kids often go to library?

4. Keys

1) Do you always bring a lot of keys with you?

2) Have you ever lost your keys?

3) Do you often forget the keys and lock yourself out?

4) Do you think it39;s important for children to learn about cooperation?

2. Describe a time when someone gave you something that you really wanted [new]

You should say:

What it was

When you received it

Who gave it to you

And explain why you wanted it so much

Part 3

1) Should employees have their own goals?

2) How should bosses reward employees?

3) What kinds of gifts do young people like to receive as rewards?

4) How should children spend their allowance money?

5) Why do people like shopping more now than in the past?

6) Do you think shopping is good for a country39;s routines differ on weekdays and weekends?

5) What daily routines do people have at home?

6) What are the differences between people's daily routines now and in the last 15 years?


在连续几天的收集之后,我们终于为大家整理出了一个比较完整的2022年1-4月雅思口语题库(包括新问题和上一季的保留问题)! 我们的雅思教研老师也及时为大家撰写和录制新问题的答案和思路,帮助最近考试的同学们更安心地报考~

不用说,让我们来看看在这个浪潮中增加的新主题是什么。 由于文章的篇幅问题,以下只展示部分新问题。


部件1 websites1whatkindsofwebsitesdoyousuallyuse2arethereanychangesaboutthewebsitesyousuallyuseemails1doyouoftensendemails2ise in a3 doyouthinksendingemailswillbemoreorlesspopularinthefuturetakingphotos1doyouliketotakephotogr aph S2 howoftendoyoutakephotos



You should say :

When this happened

Where this happened

Who gave you the cake

And explain why it is a special cake


1 what’sthedifferencebetweenspecialfoodinchinaandforeigncountries

2 dochinesepeopleusuallycookspecialfoodintraditionalfestivals

3 dochinesefamiliesliketoeattogetherduringtraditionalholidays

4 whydopeoplespendmoreonspecialfoodonspecialoccasions

describeapieceofclothingthatsomeonegaveyouyoushouldsay:whatitiswhogaveittoyouwhenyougotitandexplainwhythispersongaveyouthisp eopledresscasuallyindailylifeanddressformallyatwork2whataretheadvantagesofwearingun iformatworkandschool3whydopd esweardifferentclothesdescribealessonthatimpressedyoualotyoushouldsay:wha aat helessonwaboutwhereyoutookthelessonwhatyoudidid mpressedyoualotpart 31 whichcanhelpyourememberthings彼得、 wordsorphotos2whydosomepeoplehavebettermemory3cantechnologyhelppeoplerememberthingsbetterhowdescribeapersonyoufollowonsocial mem sheishowyouknewhim/herwhathe/shepostsonsocialmediaandexplainwhyyoufollowhim/heronsocialmediapart 31 doyouthinkoldpeopleandyoungpeopleusethesamekindofsocialmediaapp2dooldpeoplespendmuchtimeonsocialmed I a3

是的,以上是本赛季出现的新问题的一部分。 这是剩下的新问题剩下的主题和老师为大家写的新问题答案的一部分。 大家可以直接在我们的顶级后台回复关键词“新问题”接收哦。

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